EPICS Update Descriptions

Listing of new features, enhancements, and fixes by version number and date

* EPICS Wishlist Item


  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception when adding new ChemComp rows
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception when editing imported ChemComp rows


  • On the Production screen, add a right-click option to refresh the CastNum list
  • At order entry, remember the most recently created Sales Order type and default to that instead of “Normal SO”
  • Casthouse Module improvements
    • For Log Casting departments, use the remaining qty as the ready qty on the department schedule
    • Automatically delete empty raw material rows before saving a ChemComp record
    • Update PriceMetal, PctRecycled, PctPostConsumer, and PctPreConsumer of billet inventory row when posting BILLET INVENTORY production
    • Fix: Update on-hand quantity and history correctly when posting charging components to a new CastNum
    • Fix: Display correct quantities on the Receive Raw Materials screen
  • When filling from stock, include shared machine departments in the “Deliver To” list
  • Hide inactive users from the permissions tab of the Departments and Machines screen
  • Fix: Correct the panel sizes on the right side of the Production screen
  • Fix: When using EPICS Mobile to load trucks, prevent scanning tickets with statuses other than A or B
  • Fix: Eliminate error when linking a QC Document to a Production Spec
  • Fix: Display correct rack summary data on Physical Inventory History tab
  • Fix: On backlog screen, always show correct square feet or meters for cutback jobs


  • Fix: Eliminate error when adding tickets to a new rack while the RackID is set to “NEXT”
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception when testing a new connection profile before saving it
  • Fix: Improve behavior of gEmailSMTPSenderBcc
  • Fix: Prevent error on Backlog screen when gAnodizePerimField is set
  • Fix: Prevent errors when editing extrusion postings created by external applications if billet entries are missing either BilWtPerLen or SupplierNum values
  • Fix: Update progress bar correctly when rebuilding capacity plan or updating die nitriding data
  • Fix: Display the “Hold” status of sales orders on the “Build Picklists” tab of Enhanced Shipping screen without having to expand each order
  • Fix: Eliminate typos on some screens and system messages


  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception when posting extrusion production on test database
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception when dragging and dropping items using the chart view of the Press Schedule screen
  • Fix: Improve work order recalculation when a cutback item is partially filled from stock
  • Fix: Prevent SQL errors when voiding stock tickets that have previously been preallocated or filled from stock (2-step undo)
  • Add a “Connection Properties” setting to EPICS Connection Profiles to allow extensions to the database connection string
  • Add gPackersMustBeInPackCrew with default of YES. If set to NO, the Packer1 and Packer2 dropdowns will include all department-eligible employees, not just members of pack crews
  • Add informative error messages when trying to import a CSV file that is open in another program or when trying to import a row with an invalid date
  • Add “Identify Database Fields” option to the Help menu to enable ctrl-click field identification (now off by default)
  • Add the last SQL Server maintenance date to the Database Info screen
  • When selecting any item on the work order print list that is part of an MWO, auto-select all other MWO members
  • Prevent preallocated stock tickets from being voided or scrapped – they must be deallocated first
  • Alert EPICS Admins at login if SQL Server maintenance has not been performed in the last 30 days


  • For licensing, permit EPICS connection profiles that use the server’s IP address
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exceptions when adding billets to a billet oven using a blank or invalid cast number
  • Fix: Allow “Billet Oven” tab permissions to inherit correctly from frmShiftProd
  • Fix: Eliminate the “Ambiguous Column Name” error when the last available die copy for a die is made inactive


  • Fix: Links menu on the Chemical Composition screen now functions properly
  • Fix: The Ticket Change Log will now be populated with “Ticket Created…” entries in more cases


  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception when adding scrap and rework to a production posting


  • *2023WL#4: Create New Orders for Stock Replacement – Added new columns for Press, Routing, and Remaining Weight.
  • *2023WL#9: Maintain Manifests – Added Links tab to Maintain Manifests screen. Documents and URLs can now be linked directly to manifest records.
  • *2023WL#13: Added the ability to Ctrl+Click on a field on any screen to see which database field it is bound to.
  • *2023WL#20: Allow machines to be shared between departments (typically fabrication departments.)
  • *2022WL#1: Added option to right-click on Sales Order or Sales Order Item number and choose to “Watch This Order” or “Watch This Item” to receive notifications whenever production is posted.
  • *2022WL#2: Preserve original order information when returning a ticket to stock
  • *2022WL#9: When determining the best ship date for each new item, consider the number of available die copies in calculating the capacity plan for the extrusion department. Uses DieRunLimit and gCapacityUseAvailableCopies with default = NO
  • *2022WL#18: Adjust Sales Order Prices screen – The Query Builder now includes the Die table.
  • *2021WL#15: Production screen, Downstream Department Schedule – Prompt user to choose a rack when selecting a production item from the schedule.
  • Introducing the EPICS Casthouse Module to support production and sales of billets and logs
    • Add Raw Materials inventory for casthouse including Purchase Orders and Receivers
    • Add a “Charging/Alloying” tab to the ChemComp screen to keep track of raw materials added to the furnace
    • Add special dies “LOG” and “BILLET”
    • Add “BILLET” and “LOG” part categories
    • Add department categories for LOG CASTING, LOG CUTTING, LOG INVENTORY, and LOG PROCESSING
    • Add SOTypeClasses for BILLET and LOG
    • Add FurnaceOperation lookup table to configure steps required to charge the furnace
    • Add an “Operations” tab to the ChemComp screen to record the start, stop and downtime of each step during charging and alloying
  • Add ProdDeptNum and ProdMachineNum to the Machine table to support machine sharing
  • Add a dropdown to the machine column when adding department specs to a part to support machine sharing
  • Maintain Racks screen – Add new permission “Change Departments” that controls the ability to change Previous or Next Department
  • Edit Requied Fields screen – For frmShiftProd for Extrusion departments, allow making the Extrusion Info fields (like Ram/Pull speed) required.
  • Utilities – Add “Test SMTP Settings” button to the Utilities menu on the Administrator tab
  • Configuration settings – Add new settings to the Reports category to support SMTP email interface.
  • Press Schedule – Create an Item Changelog entry when changing the Press number
  • Discount and Surcharges – Warn when marking a Discount inactive if it is currently in use on one or more schedules
  • Print Ack, Manifest, or Invoice – Warn when emailing documents to customers with incomplete configuration settings for subject and body text
  • Print Tickets – When printing multiple new tickets for the same item, send them all to Crystal in the same print job
  • ChemComp – Add a History tab (uses new CastHistView)
  • ChemComp – Add a Change Log tab
  • ChemComp – Add an “On Hand” weight field. Update it as billets are received or used for each Cast Number
  • Departments and Machines screen – Add “Use Hot Billet Wt” checkbox to use hot billet weight rather than standard weight
  • Maintain Billets screen – New “Hot Lb/inch” or “Hot Kg/mm” to calculate billet lengths and update billet history using that weight for all presses that have “Use Hot Billet Wt” selected on the Departments and Machines screen.
  • Billet PO – Add a changelog for Billet POs and Receivers
  • Paint Inventory – Add a changelog for Paint POs and Receivers
  • Accessories – Add a changelog for Accessory POs and Receivers
  • Invoicing – Add a changelog for Invoices
  • Database Info screen – Add ability to change the database password for the “epics” user. This will be a secure password known only to Foy Inc. This password will not be shared with anyone. The same button can also be used to change the epics login password back to its previous value. Carefully read the popup warning message before proceeding.
  • Multi-plant – Add “Location” to grids on the Inter-Plant Transfer screen. Support barcode scanning of rack numbers.
  • EPICS Notification System is now enabled by default. Can be turned off by setting gEnableNotifications = NO
  • Order Inquiry screen – Add “Order Status” to the Sales Order Selection grid
  • Downstream Department Schedule – Allow the Machine number for unscheduled items to be changed
  • Customer Part Numbers screen – Add CCD to the Die Information grid
  • Downstream Department Schedule screen – Add “Next Dept 2”
  • Press and Downstream Dept Schedules – Add the ability to right click to hide columns on Schedule screens

9.17.0 Fixes

  • Quote Module – Prevent unhandled exception when opening screen to adjust quote prices
  • When splitting items, save order date as date-only (no time component)
  • Thumbnail Browser – Fixed error messages related to Notes & Alerts images
  • Production screen – Fixed an unhandled exception when selecting the Scan for Available Racks tab without a department selected.
  • Report Export – Fixed not being able to export a report to .xlsx format correctly.
  • Show All grid – Warn if trying to export more than 255 columns to .XLS format, its column limit. (.XLSX format allows 16,384 columns.)
  • Maintain Racks – Prevent showing Inactive Departments in the dropdown list for Previous and Next departments
  • Notifications – Only allow sending messages to active users
  • Corrective Action – Display missing “Open” checkbox on the “Status” (CAStatus) lookup table
  • Screen Layout Designer – Ensured all labels and fields are on the screen when loading from a file
  • Report Maintenance – If a report is marked inactive, prevent it from being run using a Quick Access button
  • Order Entry – Do not apply inactive Discounts and Surcharges
  • Order Entry – If no Sales Order Item is assigned for a Link, set it to “ALL” by default
  • Enhanced Shipping – Fixed error when removing a Sales Order item that is on a picklist twice for different destinations
  • Enhanced Shipping – Warning when trying to add a ticket to a different picklist
  • Press and Downstream Department schedules – Fixed an unhandled exception when swapping to the chart view after grouping items in the grid view
  • Press Schedule – Eliminate unhandled exception when loading a schedule that included a null sequence for a scheduled item
  • Downstream Department Schedule – When unscheduling an item from the Downstream Schedule, no longer remove the assigned machine
  • Downstream Department Schedule, Available Racks tab – Exclude racks marked as “Scrap”, “Hold”, or “Inactive”
  • Production screen – Update all database tables correctly when the same cast number is used by multiple suppliers
  • Production screen – Fixed Billet Oven screen sometimes checking the wrong cast number
  • Production screen – Fixed tabs becoming visible even when the user didn’t have permission for them
  • Production screen – Prevent users with READ permission to the Billet Oven tab from editing the Billet Oven contents
  • Production screen – When adding an item to a downstream production posting, always prompt the user to select a rack if any exist for that item
  • Production screen – On the department schedule tab, show only jobs scheduled for the specified machine
  • Packing screen – When selecting a packing crew, show only crews from the currently selected plant
  • Adjust Sales Order Prices screen – When resizing the screen, increase the width of the Query Builder boxes to match the new screen size
  • Ribbon – Prevent unhandled exception when adding custom buttons to the ribbon
  • Ribbon – Added friendlier error message when failing to save a ribbon due to a Windows Permissions error
  • Multi-plant, Production screen – If gRestrictRacksByPlant is set to “YES”, include only racks in the current plant in PcReady on the Department Schedule tab
  • Packing, Production, Receive from Outside – Show only active departments in the drop-down for “Charge To” for scrap


  • Fix: When changing the finish code for any extruded component of a kit or assembly item, also update the finish on the hidden item that is used when filling the component from stock


  • Fix: Eliminate error 2553 when releasing tickets from a shipping depot


  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception on screen layout designer when placing a label within a frame
  • Fix: Allow paint inventory to be stored at any plant
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception when using Advanced Find and not entering a value for a combo box
  • Fix: Prevent shipping a picklist or manifest if there are no tickets assigned (also prevents accidentally shipping the same picklist or manifest twice)
  • Fix: Calculate backlog correctly for cutback items with small order quantities
  • Add gCascadeDeptComplete (default = YES) – Once an item is complete in any production department, call all prior production departments in the routing complete as well
  • Fix: Display “Open” checkbox on CAStatus lookup table


  • On the packing screen, allow the scanning of rack barcodes on the ‘choose rack’ popup (after selecting an so-item-lot)
  • EPICS Link – Add functions to change a sales order item’s ordered quantity or ship date or to cancel an item
  • Fix: Adjust prices grid correctly when resizing the customer part screen
  • Fix: Enforce gCheckCastNumbers when loading the billet oven
  • Fix: On scheduling screens, remove the tooltip from FinCode column for non-mill finishes to allow seeing fin code details instead
  • Fix: Enforce max shipping tolerance correctly when filling from stock to an item that has previously been partially packed
  • Fix: When not using Capacity Planning, correctly calculate department lead times if multiple machines are defined for a department in the part’s Dept Specs or if there are multiple calendar events on the same date
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception when editing a note or date field on Screen Layout Designer
  • Fix: On the “Show all rows in a grid” window, show the “Hide Column…” context menu only when right-clicking on a column heading
  • Fix: When receiving accessories, correctly update all weight columns for the created stock tickets
  • Fix: When manually creating or editing stock tickets for accessories, use the accessory part’s weight/piece when CTRL-E or CTRL-C is used to calculate the total weight


  • Fix: Repair problem with user lists in V9.16 screen layout designer
  • Fix: Quality Check Module – display the quality layout name when hovering over the layout id assigned to machines or parts


  • *[2022 #3]: Do not allow a customer part to be deactivated if it is used as the source part for another part or if there is any stock of that part in inventory (uses new setting gEnableInactivePartCheck)
  • *[2022 #5]: Allow plant holds to be applied to all items for a selected part number
  • *[2022 #6]: On the Receive from Outside Processor screen, show the total weight of all items at the outside processor
  • *[2022 #7]: Add a new Discounts tab to the Customer Parts screen that shows all discounts or surcharges that apply to the part
  • *[2022 #8]: Add the DieCopy table to the Field Chooser of the Die Oven Schedule screen so that die location and other copy-specific properties can be displayed
  • *[2022 #14]: Add a change log entry to the affected sales order item any time an override password is entered by production or packing to exceed the configured tolerances
  • *[2021 #27]: On the “Show all rows in a grid” screen, add a right-click option to hide columns and save only visible rows/columns when exporting to a file.
  • *EPICS Quality Check Module now available
  • Add a right-click “Links…” menu to Dies, Copies, Parts, SO, SOItem, and Cust to easily view all linked files attached to the object
  • Allow an image file to be attached to any Note or Alert for easy display (uses a new config setting: gNoteAlertImagePath)
  • On the Screen Layout Designer, allow any numeric field to be assigned a minimum & maximum value and allow any text or numeric field to be assigned a default value
  • Include status ‘F’ tickets on Physical Inventory Worksheet if gPhysInvenIncludeFilledTickets = YES
  • Save Butt and Runout with extrusion production postings if they are entered instead of a sample weight
  • When adding a new ChemComp record, allow the user to select a different alloy type from ChemCompLimits if the specified type does not exist
  • When any lookup table row is made inactive, continue to display that value on history screens and elsewhere (for example, inactive scrap codes will no longer appear as blank values and all cast numbers, including inactive casts, will display when viewing old billet receivers)
  • Add ReqDtCode to the list of fields that can be changed for all items on an order at once
  • Corrective Action Module: Add a new config setting, gCAMultiChangeEnabled, to permit disabling the option to change all Corrective Action items simultaneously and add gCAMultiChangePassword, which works similarly to gSOItemMultiChangePassword
  • Add a note to the change log of each copy when nitriding is posted
  • When exporting data to a file, add the option to export to .XLSX format
  • On the Press and Department Schedule, add the ability to choose a starting sequence number when rescheduling items
  • Enhanced Finishing Module: Replace the Location textbox with a combo box linked to the LocationCode lookup table
  • Multi-Plant: Added highlighting and a warning when building an interplant transfer if a selected rack is on hold
  • On the calendar screen, when selecting an event that is part of a set of recurring events, others in the same set will be identified by a black border
  • Add a Links tab to Production Specs to allow attachment of related documents
  • On the Report Maintenance screen, add the ability to open the Reports directory by right-clicking on it if the user has WRITE permission to the screen
  • Fix: Update the stock ticket and the item’s remaining pc and wt correctly when filling an accessory, kit, or assembly item from stock
  • Fix: When entering an order for accessories, kits, or assemblies, alert the user about matching stock based only on the part number
  • Fix: Update the die oven schedule sequence when the press schedule is resequenced
  • Fix: On the Department Schedule, calculate remaining hours based only on the selected machine and eliminate duplicated items caused by multiple machine specs defined on the part
  • Fix: On the Production screen, display the correct Production Specs for die trials
  • Fix: Improve backlog calculations for cutback items filled from stock
  • Fix: Use appropriate perimeter to correctly calculate remaining and available square feet (or meters) on the department schedule
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exceptions when importing new sales orders for a part that doesn’t have a Routing assigned
  • Fix: When using filters on the Press or Department Schedule screen, only include visible rows in the count for subtotals and only select visible rows when dragging to select multiple rows
  • Fix: Opening the CSV import screen by clicking the Import button on frmChemComp only allows import into ChemComp table
  • Fix: Update backlog and shortages correctly when scrapping pieces going to an outside processor when PACK_TO is not in the routing
  • Fix: Update the billet count on the preliminary workorder correctly when making changes to an item that has not yet had its workorder planned
  • Fix: Correct several screen labels and tooltips that were not translating correctly when using a custom language
  • Fix: Allow a user to edit an extrusion production posting if the user has WRITE permission to SAW POSTING but lacks POSTING permission.
  • Fix: On Post Shipments screen, allow Net Wt, Ordered Wt, and Remain Wt columns to be rearranged on the Pending Shipments tab
  • Fix: On the Paint Consumables tab of the Production screen, display PaintInvenID even if the container is empty
  • Fix: Correct the tab order on the User Field Tab of the Maintain Dies screen
  • Fix: Update the Date Received field correctly on IPT transfer screen
  • Fix: On EPICS Configuration screen, eliminate unhandled exceptions when changing gUserNotifiedOnWorkorderChanged
  • Fix: On the Screen Layout Designer, remove the ability to set a user list for a UserDecimal field.
  • Fix: Die Correction Module: Hide Die Correctors from the Employee dropdown if they don’t have a DeptGroup set
  • Fix: Automatically truncate email subject lines longer than 250 characters when emailing documents
  • Fix: On the Customer Parts screen, allow adding Department Specs for departments in the Stock Routing even when gAllowNonRoutingSpecs is set to NO
  • Fix: On the Production screen, eliminate unhandled exceptions when selecting Scrap Codes to inquire on
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exceptions when removing a large number of items from the press schedule at once
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping: Prevent the same item from being added to a picklist twice.
  • Fix: On the Shortages tab, always consider each item’s ordered unit when determining whether its work orders have open weight or pieces remaining
  • Fix: When filling the press schedule screen with open items, always take each item’s ordered unit into account when determining whether its work orders are complete or not
  • Fix: Prevent users from deleting the ACCESSORY die
  • Fix: On the Invoice screen, hide the top toolbar when the Find Manifests tab is selected


  • Fix: On Backlog screen, do not duplicate items for parts that have multiple specs for the same department
  • Fix: On schedule screen, re-apply filters when “Refresh” button is clicked
  • Fix: On schedule screen, ignore any rows hidden by filters when selecting multiple rows
  • Fix: If gPackAtPress is enabled, update SOItemDept and ProductionDetail correctly when converting a rack into a stock ticket


  • If gPackAtPress is enabled, assign new rack numbers using the NextNum for packing tickets


  • Fix: Make sure that plan dates are never changed if gCapacityRebuildChangePlanDates is set to NO


  • Add field chooser to the Die Oven Schedule screen
  • Add the Part table to the field chooser for the press schedule and department schedule screens
  • Fix: Display field chooser-selected columns on the Department Schedule tab of the Production screen
  • Fix: Multi-Plant: Eliminate the incorrect “No available copies” warning when adding items to the press schedule
  • Fix: Display unit dropdown correctly when right-clicking on the Die Run Limit field of the Dies screen to edit the lookup table
  • Fix: Significantly Improve the load time of the Administrator/Calendar screen
  • Fix: Eliminate error when adding a new calendar event that has details similar to an existing event


  • Add an “Open Lb” (or “Open Kg”) column to the die correction schedule screen to show the total extrusion backlog weight for each die
  • Add gMWOSingleItemAllowed to allow the creation of master workorders that contain only a single sales order item (like V8)


  • Fix: Do not require a source rack ID when adding good, scrap, or rework lines to a cutback posting
  • Fix: Handle deallocation correctly when multiple preallocated tickets are assigned to the same stock number
  • Fix: Correctly update remaining workorder quantity when preallocating and pulling stock into extrusion item
  • Fix: Corrective Action: When making a change to a user field that is linked to a list, ask the user if they want to make that change to all items on the same Corrective Action
  • Fix: Update the PricePerWt correctly when applying price changes to COM items (DieNum = ‘CUSTOMER’)


  • *[2021 #2]: Send Notification to specified users when a change is made to an item that requires the work order to be recalculated (uses gUserNotifiedOnWorkorderChanged)
  • *[2021 #3]: Add shipping schedule information to each customer (e.g. Tuesday and Thursday shipments only) and use this to assign ship dates for new orders
  • *[2021 #5]: Add an “Alert” checkbox to the RunCode lookup table and allow for highlighting on press schedule when production was previously posted on an item using an “Alert” Run Code
  • *[2021 #6]: When the last available copy of a die that is currently on the press schedule is scrapped or made inactive, warn the user that the schedule needs to be updated or that affected items should be put on hold
  • *[2021 #9]: When hovering over the Ship-To customer number in order entry, display the full address to improve the speed and accuracy of the selection
  • *[2021 #10]: Add a “Save To File” button to the Department Backlog grid
  • *[2021 #12]: On the Stock tab of the customer part screen, display the “Source Part” field as a drop-down list instead of a text box.
  • *[2021 #14]: Prevent using a rack for production if the rack is currently in another plant (tied to the existing gRestrictRacksByPlant setting)
  • *[2021 #16]: Add non-editable columns to the SOItem, BilletPOHeader, and BilletPOItem tables to record their original due date for use on reports
  • *[2021 #17]: When scanning tickets or racks on the Physical Inventory Worksheet, highlight the item scanned
  • Update .NET framework used by EPICS from 4.0 to 4.5.1 to reduce ‘Out of memory’ errors – *** Windows XP and Vista are no longer supported ***
  • Print billet tags when adding new ChemComp rows (adds new ‘Crystal Billet Tag’ config settings) and allow barcode scanning of cast numbers in production
  • Allow recurring calendar events to be edited as a group. (Note that this only applies to recurring events added using V9.15 and above.)
  • Allow plant-wide calendar events (Department = ‘ALL’) to be created with non-standard hours
  • Fix: When a lot is split at the press, display the original lot on the “Workorder” tab of the production screen
  • Fix: When editing and reloading item prices while invoicing, correctly reload item prices that appear only on the current invoice
  • Fix: Update order entry screen correctly when using Ctrl-O to assign a one-time ship-to address
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception when right-clicking in the grey area of Production Detail grid of Orders screen
  • Fix: Capacity Planning: Prevent unhandled exception if any part’s department specs have a standard rate of zero/hour
  • Fix: Remove the “Edit List” option from grid cells containing a user name to prevent unhandled exceptions
  • Fix: Slight resize of Customer Part screen to eliminate white space in the middle of the screen when maximized
  • Fix: When applying price changes to quotes, also update PricePerWt
  • Fix: Do not allow the only price line to be deleted for any miscellaneous invoice line
  • Fix: Prevent workaround that allowed posting production in a department for which the user has only read permission


  • Fix: Eliminate V9.14 error when editing a corrective action that has more than one item
  • Fix: Enforce gCheckBeforeStatusH when using frmSO to change status of entire sales order
  • Fix: Correct gProdCheckCastNumbers behavior when using a non-integer billet diameter
  • Fix: Correct re-scheduling of extrusion jobs from one press to another when new press uses a non-integer container diameter
  • Fix: Remove inactive departments from the Backlog screen


  • *[2021 #1] – Increase size of all long text user fields from 30 to 60 characters
  • *[2021 #11]: Allow departments to be marked as inactive
  • *[2021 #13]- Make Paint Inventory screen resizable
  • *[2020 #3]: If a Corrective Action number has multiple items, provide the ability to enter information into one item and ask if the user wants to apply that information to all items in the CA
  • *[2020 #4]: As production is posted to or from a rack, allow the user to also clear or reassign the rack location
  • *[2020 #10]: Add a “HOLD” checkbox to the order entry screen and prevent posting a sales order until it is released
  • *[2020 #19]: Prevent stock tickets from being saved with an invalid part number and provide a dropdown list of valid part numbers to prompt user for the correct part (uses gRequireValidPartForStock)
  • *[2020 #39]: On the Production screen, provide more separation between the “Post” checkbox and the “+” sign that adds new rows
  • EPICS Web Module major upgrade – Add Outside Processor features
  • Add a new screen frmOutsideProcessor to maintain information about Outside Processors
  • Corrective Action Module – include changes to links in the change log
  • Enhanced Finishing Module major upgrade:
    • Create and print paint purchase orders and receivers
    • gPaintReceiverCreateInven determines whether PaintInven records are created automatically when receiver is posted
    • Add paint to physical inventory screen with barcode scanning support
    • Add paint inventory support to EPICS Mobile app
    • Add user fields to paint inventory table along with expiration date and inactive checkbox
    • Add new PaintMixture table to store any number of additions to a paint container
    • Automatically calculate new VOC and HAP values when reducing or mixing paint
  • Allow documents to be linked to ChemComp records – save cast house documents with each cast
  • Add gAskBeforeUnscheduling – When enabled, it prompts the user before removing an item from the schedule
  • Highlight the “Re-Sequence All” button when the schedule is rearranged. Also highlight “Save Sequence” after re-sequence. When closing the screen, display an alert if there are unsaved changes.
  • SuperUser checkbox now grants permissions to all departments as well as all screens
  • On Sales Order screen, allow automatic reset of plan dates and remaining qty by re-keying order quantity or ship date (like V8)
  • EPICS Multi-plant: Allow plant-specific next numbers for all documents (e.g. INVOICE-TX)
  • Set ProductionDetail.MWONum when posting production against a master workorder
  • Add “Shift” column to the machine history detail grid
  • Add changes to Links tab in change logs of corresponding screens.
  • Store PlantHoldNote when releasing items from Plant Hold.
  • Fix: Correct problem that sometimes prevented creation of new invoices after searching for an invoice
  • Fix: ‘Change all items on an order’ feature now works correctly with user fields linked to a combo box
  • Fix: Validate Date/Time field when frmLoadOven is saved
  • Fix: Correct adding items to existing MWOs
  • Fix: Update ToolTip on schedules to show description for non-mill finish items
  • Fix: Record in change log when a status I ticket is voided
  • Fix: Populate consumables in production when starting record by rack ID


  • Fix: Improve load time of press schedule screen when gShowStockColumns = YES
  • Fix: Eliminate SQL error when adding items to an existing master work order
  • Improvements to reserves and capacity planning:
    • Alert order entry that reserves may apply to new items
    • Capacity Planning: When posting a new order that has “Include this order in capacity” un-checked, do not update its plan dates based on capacity
    • Allow selection of multiple items at once when applying a reserve and highlight items that have previously been applied


  • Fix: Capacity Planning Module – Allow users to manually change plan dates if gCapacityRebuildChangesPlanDates = NO


  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception when adding tickets to a previously posted manifest
  • Set “Application Name” property of SQL Server connection to “EPICS V9:USERNAME” for improved SQL tracing


  • *[2020 #1]: Allow user comments for downtime rows on production postings. New config setting gRequireDowntimeComment allows downtime comments to be mandatory
  • *[2020 #2]: Add a change log for Manifests
  • *[2020 #7]: Add SchedDt column to the Backlog screen
  • *[2020 #9]: Added Finish Code and Color columns to the Shift Summary tab of Production screen
  • *[2020 #11]: Add a change log to the ticket table. Old StockChangeLog table contents moved to TicketChangeLog
  • *[2020 #18]: Add a change log to the Routings screen
  • Make routing screen resizable
  • When receiving from outside processor, if gRequireRackForProduction is set to ‘YES’, do not allow the user to choose not to update racks or tickets
  • Add gAckEmailFileName, gManifestEmailFileName, gTestCertsEmailFileName, gInvoiceEmailFileName, and gQuoteEmailFileName to allow custom naming of document files when emailed individually
  • Make Quote Dies screen resizable
  • Add EmailCertAddress to Cust and Quote Customer to allow test certs to be emailed to a different address than shipping manifests
  • Capacity Planning: Add gCapacityRebuildChangesPlanDates to allow/disallow department plan dates to be updated when the capacity plan is rebuilt
  • Fix: Retain position of thumbnail viewer window
  • Fix: Always show ‘SAW POSTING’ column when viewing/editing permissions for extrusion departments
  • Fix: Save and load user permissions for added user field tabs
  • Fix: Stop Die Nitride Schedule date from defaulting to 1/16/2019
  • Fix: Set NoteNum correctly for notes created when converting quote dies and quote customers
  • Fix: Allow disabling of Prices tab on Cust screen by setting tab permissions to NONE
  • Fix: When receiving billets with gCheckCastNumbers = COMPLETE, make sure the received diameter matches the selected cast number
  • EPICS Link – Add ReportedPc and ReportedWt parameters to ReceiveBillet() function


  • *[2018 #4] Modified the drop-down list for Plant Hold codes to include the various hold category flags
  • *[2017 #23] Added an “Applied Reserves” section to the History tab of the Sales Order screen
  • *[2019 #26] On Die Oven Schedule screen, use orange highlighting on dies that are close to reaching the max time in the oven
  • *[2016 #28] Added a checkbox to the Stock Replacement screen that shows only parts for the selected customer
  • *[2019 #32] Added new config setting ‘gCustDieFirstUseWarning’ to mirror ‘gStdDieFirstUseWarning’
  • *[2019 #33] Added new config setting gMWORequireMatchingAlloyType that forces all items on an MWO to have the same Alloy Type
  • *[2019 #37] Added field chooser to each tab of Physical Inventory Worksheet screen
  • *[2017 #39] Display item weight on the Stock Replacement screen along with pieces
  • *[2016 #44] Added a message to Quote screen when stock is available (same as order entry screen)
  • *[2019 #46] On Calculate and Print Workorders screen, added a checkbox to the Scan tab to hide items that are on hold
  • *[2016 #43] Added a new config setting gCopyCustCreditInfo to determine whether to copy credit info when copying a customer on frmCust
  • Add Deallocate option to the Fill from Stock screen
  • Allow rearranging of columns on Fill from Stock screen and save the user’s column layout
  • Do not allow sales order items to be cancelled if there are preallocated stock tickets for that item
  • On Customer Part screen, display the length, alloy, temper, and finish of each component part of kit/assembly
  • Allow alloy, temper, finish, and length of components to be modified on posted assembly orders
  • Allow notes on the Die Oven Schedule screen to be edited by double clicking on a row
  • Identify Active Window now shows the name of frmPrintDocuments and frmPressSch correctly based on the how it is opened (e.g. press schedule vs. downstream schedule)
  • Added a highlight for dies on Press Schedule screen if there are no active copies for the die. Also added tooltips to other highlighting on the screen
  • Fix: Display correct label text for Historical Scrap % on Customer Part screen when using a custom language
  • Fix: When assigning required fields, prevent need to uncheck multiple rows if the same field appeared multiple times (like Descrip on frmDie)
  • Fix: Eliminate message when moving all contents of a rack when gDeleteEmptyRacks = ‘YES’
  • Fix: When rescheduling an extrusion job from one press to another, adjust the backlog for each press accordingly
  • Fix: Update the Production Spec counter on Production screen after extrusion selects die copy
  • Fix: On hand qty on Billet screen was not always highlighting correctly when below reorder point
  • Fix: Correctly email document PDF’s when a batch includes some customers that combine and others that don’t
  • Fix: Improve wt/hr calculation on workorders for dies with low usage
  • Fix: On Die Correction Schedule screen, improve how column auto-sizing is done
  • Fix: gInvoceNoClosingActiveItems now looks at preallocated stock tickets as well as racks and tickets
  • Fix: gCheckBeforeStatusH now looks for preallocated stock tickets as well as active racks and tickets
  • Fix: Die Correction – manually adding die correction tasks now saves the Next Task Code
  • Fix: Screen Layout Designer – Fixed bug preventing removal of user lists from fields. Also fixed date & decimal fields not appearing on message listing customized fields that were not currently on the form
  • Fix: On Changes tab of frmRack, display the correct Rack ID if columns are rearranged
  • Fix: Treat finish type ‘M’ and ‘MILL” the same as finish code 000 for gShowNoPricingWarning
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception when adding consumables to paint production postings (bug in V9.12.1)
  • Fix: Stock Replacement Screen – Correct behavior of “select all” function on Extruded Kit/Assembly Components tab
  • Fix: When importing new orders from a CSV file, allow SONum and SOItemNum columns in the import file


  • Fix: When filling standalone orders for accessory parts, use only the part number to find matching inventory records
  • Fix: When receiving accessories, set DieNum, Fincode, Alloy, and Temper on inventory tickets created


  • Fix: When receiving from outside processor and automatically creating stock tickets, assign stock number to new ticket and update item status to ‘H’ if stocking is complete
  • Fix: Oracle only – Eliminate SQL error when filling Components tab of Sales Order Screen
  • Fix: Speed up scrolling on Sales Order screen by only filling Components tab for kit or assembly orders
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception when editing a sales order item that has an inactive finish code
  • Fix: Speed up scrolling on customer groups screen, especially when there are 5000+ bill-to customers on file
  • Fix: Update floating die and part thumbnail windows as user scrolls through postings on production screen
  • Fix: On Fill from Stock screen, fix the behavior of ‘Require Matching Part’ checkbox when filling kit/assembly components
  • Fix: On Production screen, fix F1 Help link and change hotkeys for adding lineals (from Ctrl+N to Ctrl+L) and Downtime (from CTRL+D to CTRL+O) to fix conflict with control panel shortcuts
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception on stock screen when using CTRL-C or CTRL-E to calculate bundle weight


  • *[2019 #14] Display lifetime and last 12 months downstream scrap percentage on the customer part screen
  • Added new Cutting List Calculator screen (Administrator/Utilities menu)
  • Added tooltips to the Mobile Inventory screen
  • Added Plant Filter to the Die Correction Schedule & Die Correction Screens
  • Replaced ‘Die Information’ panel with a die information grid that displays die data from all presses
  • Added the ability to change the location of Racks/Tickets on the Mobile Inventory screen by scanning them at the new location
  • Added the Batch ID to the Paint Consumables tab on the Post Production screen
  • Added Machine and Shift changes to the Departments & Machines change log
  • Added Description column to the dropdown for ReqDtCode on the Sales Order Entry screen
  • Added the ability to use the EDI Export service to export files to the .txt format
  • Clicking the “Estimate Weight Total” on the components tab of the Parts screen will also calculate the extruded wt/ft and apply this weight to AltPrintWt of assembly
  • Kit/Assembly orders can now be entered using a different length than is saved with the part with component lengths adjusted accordingly
  • Added a message listing details when trying to delete a User List that is currently attached to one or more controls.
  • Added icons to the right-click menu on the Screen Layout Designer
  • On the Screen Layout Designer, added the ability to hold Ctrl key and use arrow keys to move fields by a single pixel at a time
  • Changed behavior of Die Correction Task lookup table to make it more clear that Die Override Status is dependent on the CompleteTaskFlag being checked.
  • Decimal inches now round to 6 decimals instead of 3 (or nearest 1/64th)
  • On the Notes & Alerts screen, changing the Text Style will change the note textbox to match the chosen style
  • Fix: Fixed fields were mistakenly showing as being required when editing required fields on frmShiftProd
  • Fix: Fixed an unhandled exception that occurred when using some images as die thumbnails.
  • Fix: Eliminated an error that occurred when creating stock tickets from a rack
  • Fix: Prevented errors being created by the notifications feature when database connection is lost
  • Fix: Fixed placement of ‘Special Considerations’ group box on the Edit Lookup Tables screen
  • Fix: Eliminated an exception that occurred when using Text Styles with a transparent background
  • Fix: Eliminated an exception that occurred when importing Paint Inventory
  • Fix: On SO Item Price screen, PricePerWt will no longer show as NULL when price is 0
  • Fix: Corrected several Label IDs to improve translations
  • Fix: Prevented an issue where tabbing through User Fields that use custom lists would ignore your tab ordering
  • Fix: Prevented an issue where moving controls on the screen layout designer with the arrow keys would sometimes change focus to other screens
  • Fix: Eliminated an exception that occurred when using a blank start or end date on the Departments & Machines chart tab
  • Fix: Update remaining stock correctly after filling an item that was partially pre-allocated
  • Fix: Update remaining stock correctly after pre-allocating to the same item multiple times


  • Hot Fix: Restore automatic lot splitting for extrusion departments
  • Hot Fix: Eliminate message 2360 when posting age oven production when racks are required and lot splitting is enabled
  • Hot Fix: Correct the display of Special Considerations on the lookup table screen

V 9.12

  • *[2019 #1] When reducing a quantity at production, ask before putting pieces back on a rack that no longer contains pieces for that SO/Item/Lot
  • *[2019 #2] Add a column to the die copy selection popup when calculating a workorder to show whether the die copy is scheduled for another item
  • *[2019 #3] When an overlap of start time or stop time occurs during production input, display details about the overlapping job
  • *[2019 #4] Add gCertCodeTensileCheck to allow cert code and tensile test checks to be enforced at time of packing, shipping, or both.
  • *[2019 #5] Add a new lookup table, TicketVoidCode, to store reason code which can be used when tickets are voided
  • *[2019 #9] Add “View Tensile Tests” option to the right-click menu for the sales order item.
  • *[2019 #10] When packing from a rack, ask the packing user whether a rack should be cleared if the pieces remaining falls below a configured tolerance Enabled with new config setting gEmptyRackThreshold.
  • *[2019 #12] Add Die Defect Code column to the Die History and Production History tabs on frmDie, frmDieCopy, and frmSOItem
  • *[2019 #16] When changes are made to sales orders or when reallocation occurs, allow the user to enter a comment that is saved with the order change log. Enabled with new config setting gAllowSOChangeComments.
  • *[2019 #17] Enable normal right-click options for all relevant fields on the Invoicing screen (e.g. SO, Item, etc.)
  • *[2019 #18] When combining items in same production posting, allow the same rack number (rack out) to be easily assigned to every item
  • *[2019 #19] When importing CSV files, automatically browse to the folder that was used for the last import
  • *[2019 #22] Add a change log to the discounts and surcharges table and to discount schedules
  • *[2019 #24] Display customer’s credit limit and credit used values on the Credit Release screen – credit limit and credit used must be set remotely by ERP or accounting software as invoices are posted/paid
  • *[2019 #25] When a shipping manifest is deleted, save the bill-of-lading number in the sales order change log
  • Improvement for thermal assemblies – Allow kit or assembly components (like insulbar) to be billed per foot or meter
  • Make Discount Schedule screen resizable
  • Add “Location Code” column to the Nitriding Schedule screen
  • Use next department in routing to automatically set the plant code for racks after receiving from outside processor
  • Add anodizing to the list of Departments that can be opened by double-clicking the department name on the Departments tab of Sales Orders screen
  • New config setting gAllowInactiveCustomersInGroup allows adding inactive customers to groups and saving groups with inactive customers in them
  • Fix: Quote Module – When applicable, use gAnodizePerimField for calculations on Total Price window
  • Fix: Include min and max cutting tolerance when using copy/paste to duplicate a part
  • Fix: Update rack contents correctly when sending pieces to rework using the packing screen
  • Fix: On Customer Parts screen, enable right-click menu for component parts listed on Components tab
  • Fix: Quote Module – Fix copy/paste text error on Email Documents tab of the Quote Customers screen
  • Fix: Do not list permissions for inactive users on the Identify Active Window screen
  • Fix: Allow multiple lots for the same SO Item to be added to the same production posting
  • Fix: On stock replacement screen, use the finish type to determine min/max production tolerances
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception that could occur when moving tickets to stock if the Crew field was null
  • Fix: Stop erroneous overrun warning when filling preallocated, packed bundles into an item
  • Fix: Speed up scrolling through list-builder screens (like frmCustGroup) when there are thousands of rows in the list


  • Hot Fix: Permissions screen now includes custom user field tabs
  • Hot Fix: Stop repeated pop-ups when network connection is lost and EPICS notifications are turned on
  • Hot Fix: Allow changing the shift on a production posting without an erroneous start time overlap warning
  • Hot Fix: Allow tab key to move from field to field correctly on lookup table screen
  • Hot Fix: When calculating extended price on order entry screen, include added length from part for price conversions
  • Hot Fix: Production screen – automatically adjust the date for all downtime entries when the production date is changed


  • Hot Fix: Correct printing of interplant transfer manifests
  • Hot Fix: Send gEpicsUser, gPlant, gMetric, and gDateTime formula values to Crystal when emailing documents


  • Hot Fix: Display customer name on the Shortages tab of the Calculate and Print Workorders screen
  • Hot Fix: Eliminate gPackMaxWtLimit loophole when printing multiple tickets for the same item at the same time
  • Hot Fix: Prevent error when creating a new department that has no machines


  • *[2018 #7] Improved handling for Kits and Assemblies – quickly create stock replacement orders for all extruded components on a kit/assembly order and preallocate all component pieces produced to the parent order
  • Improve traceability and certs for kit/assembly orders – automatically copy tensile tests from each extruded kit/assembly component to the parent kit/assembly item as components are pulled from stock
  • Simplify the creation of stock replacement orders by adding a second routing field, “Stock Routing”, to each part to specify the routing to be used when creating stock replacement orders for that part. And allow the customer specified by gStockCustBill to place orders for any die or part regardless of ownership
  • *[2013 #11] Allow stock to be pre-allocated to an order at any time prior to the normal fill-from-stock operation (any stock ticket – not just kit/assembly components)
  • *[2018 #12] Prevent shipments to an outside processor for items that are on production hold
  • *[2018 #30] For acknowledgements, manifests, invoices, and quotes, allow each customer to be configured either to email separate PDF files for each document or to combine multiple documents into a single PDF
  • *[2018 #31] Add a configuration setting, gRequireManualTensileLotSelection , that requires the user to select a lot number when posting tensile tests (no default lot selected)
  • *[2018 #33] Provide separate permissions to void newly packed tickets (status A or B) vs closed or in-process tickets (status F, O, P, R, S)
  • *[2018 #36] Add the alternate customer number (AltCustNum) of the bill-to customer to the Sales Order screen and allow finding orders using that field
  • *[2018 #41] Display total pieces and weight on Racks tab of the Sales Orders screen
  • *[2018 #51] Add a field chooser to the pull inventory tickets screen
  • *[2017 #45] Add a change log to the “Reserves” screen
  • *[2017 #48] Include price changes in the Quote change log
  • *EPICS Capacity Planning Module now available
  • Keeps track of available capacity for any production department/machine in real time
  • Provides order entry with a realistic ship date for each item based on current plant capacity
  • Improved calendar – Set hours/day for any calendar entry – either plant-wide or for a specific department or machine
  • Add “Makeup day” option to calendar entries. Makeup days are available for existing jobs but will not be considered when assigning ship dates to new items
  • Allow multiple presses to be added to each die’s Standard Data list and add a checkbox to identify the preferred press(es)
  • Allow multiple machines per department to be added to each part’s department specs with different standard production rates and cost/hour for each
  • Add standard rate/hour (in Lb or Kg, Pieces, or Ft2 or M2) and standard cost/hour fields for all machines
  • Improved language translation: Right-click on text to set or change translation (for users with permission to frmScreenText)
  • Add “Changes” tab to permissions screen
  • Send gEpicsUser, gPlant, gMetric, and gDateTime formula values to Crystal when running all reports. These formulas can be used to filter data on a report based on EPICS user, plant, etc.
  • Scheduling screen: Allow popup message #2147 to be suppressed using new Hide/Show tab on System Messages screen
  • Add gSOEntryOneTimeShipTo so that creation of one-time ship-to addresses at order entry can be turned on/off
  • Add read/write permissions to production calendar screen (frmMachineCal)
  • Add Relocate Rack and Relocate Ticket screens to the EPICS Mobile Menu
  • Enable column filtering on the Receive from Processor screen
  • Display a warning icon with tooltip when entering a duplicate PO at order entry
  • Display press number and alloy on the work order shortages tab
  • Remember which Department & Machine was last selected on the Press & Department schedules.
  • Add “Save Data to File” right-click option to Detail tab on History tab of Departments and Machines screen
  • Add ‘Show only active dies’ option to the Nitride Schedule screen
  • Enable right-click duplication of rows in the Quote Module
  • Add a change Log row to new parts that are created from a Quote
  • Display Total Weight Selected on the Fill from Stock screen
  • Add Die Size to the Die Copy selection dialog when creating work orders
  • Add a row to SOChangeLog if the Adjust Prices screen modifies the PricePerWt of an item
  • Remember the previously chosen file type the next time grid data is saved to a file
  • Add right-click context menu to sales order item number on invoicing screen
  • Save each user’s custom column order on the Maintain Production Racks screen and on the shift summary tab of Production screen
  • Add permissions setting to the print ack, invoice, and manifest screens to allow/disallow the ‘for all users’ option
  • Add right-click context menu to IPT numbers to open the Interplant Transfer screen
  • Add NextDept2 column to the available racks tab of production screen
  • Add a field chooser to Receive from Processor and Create Orders for Stock Replacement screens
  • New permission setting on frmRack to allow/disallow moving items from one rack to another
  • Add READ/WRITE permissions to frmUserList to control access to user-defined lists
  • Add Plant column to the sales order item selection dialog screen
  • Fix: Improve performance when scrolling through customer groups
  • Fix: Group processors correctly on “Receive from Processors” screen when gGroupShipmentsByProcessor is set to YES.
  • Fix: Set SOItemPrice.Combine = 1 (instead of -1) when adding a combined price line to all items of an order
  • Fix: Allow input of 5-digit die copy numbers on production screen
  • Fix: Always price quote correctly when the bill-to is a quote customer that refers to a base price customer
  • Fix: Improve performance of order entry screen when re-pricing all items on an order
  • Fix: Allow user fields with attached lists to display correctly on order entry screen
  • Fix: Allow length fields to be marked as required fields
  • Fix: When adding a new rack to existing temper production posting, advance new rack to next department
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception when using copy/paste before saving a new part
  • Fix: Quote Module: Prevent unhandled exception if quote date is left blank (null)
  • Fix: Show order entry popup notes attached to customer, die, or part on the Quote screen as well
  • Fix: Set ‘Entered By’ to the current user when creating a copy of a quote
  • Fix: Restore operation of “Show Extruded Items Only” checkbox on Department Schedule screen
  • Fix: When creating a new die copy from an existing copy, use same NitridePlan for new copy (like V8)
  • Fix: Improve accuracy of backlog calculation when pieces are lost to scrap or put in stock to determine when a department is complete
  • Fix: Correct pieces ordered in SOItemHist when order is placed in Lb in metric database or in Kg in imperial database
  • Fix: When displaying production alerts at packing, also pick up alerts created at soitem level
  • Fix: Always validate the piece length before saving posted extrusion pieces
  • Fix: (Oracle only) UserFlag columns on SOEntry and QuoteEntry were not displaying checkboxes
  • Fix: Screen Layout Designer tab order was not saving for group boxes
  • Fix: User Fields were not all working with frmSOEntryImport
  • Fix: Tooltips were not appearing for UserNotes on frmShiftProd and frmCorrectiveAction
  • Fix: Check against gAllowMixedPallets when changing master details on frmTicket
  • Fix: Improve locking of MinTol and MaxTol columns on Order Entry and Quote screens


  • Hot Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception opening Production Racks screen when using some regional date settings
  • Hot Fix: Display grand totals correctly on die history Detail tab


  • *[2018 #6] Add shipping tolerance (min, max, unit) to the customer part screen
  • *[2018 #9] Allow the selection of required fields on production screen to be department-specific
  • *[2018 #10] Allow a posted sales order item to be quickly split into multiple items with different ship dates
  • *[2018 #13] Add a “Search” feature to the user permissions screen
  • *[2018 #15] Add a change log to the sales order entry screen (and retain these changes in the sales order change log after the order is posted)
  • *[2018 #17] Display the original source rack id(s) for each stock ticket on the Maintain Stock Inventory and Maintain Tickets screens
  • *[2018 #19] Add a new location field to the ticket (and stock inventory) table that is linked to the location lookup table and display this location on the pull from stock screen
  • *[2018 #20] Add a configuration setting (gInvoiceNoClosingActiveItems) to prevent the invoicing screen from closing any item that has remaining tickets or racks
  • *[2018 #21] When posting production, restrict the user’s ability to change the next sequential department for each rack unless rework is required
  • *[2018 #24] Add a field chooser to the backlog screen
  • *[2018 #25] Add a change log for billet receipts
  • *[2018 #27] On Sales Orders screen, allow the work order range (min, max, unit) to be changed for all items on an order
  • *[2018 #29] Add a configuration setting (gRackProdPcTol) to specify rack quantity tolerance in pieces (companion to gRackProdWtTol)
  • Added “RECEIVE COM” departments to the list of departments that can be opened by double-clicking on “Departments” tab of Sales Orders screen
  • New config settings (gSOItemMultiChangePassword and gSOItemMultiChangeShowDetails) to allow more detailed choices when changing something across all items on an order
  • Add counters and Last Action message to Active Users screen (frmKillSession)
  • Rearrange fields on Clear Racks tab of frmRack
  • Database Update Scripts screen – Add Last Action and confirmation messages
  • Standard Shipping screen – Add Last Action message for Picked tickets
  • Add Major EPICS Update History to Database Info screen
  • Search tab added to Edit Screen Text screen
  • Highlight selected rows on frmReceive
  • On Press & Department Schedule, lock Grand Total to top of grid
  • Fix: Die Correction Module – Eliminate error when creating a task on a new correction
  • Fix: gOrderDataMustMatchPart was not applying while in edit mode
  • Fix: Refresh button was not working consistently on frmRouting and other screens that use a list builder
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception when creating duplicate SO Items for items with notes
  • Fix: For presses with a shear, workorder was sometimes calculated with a billet length slightly shorter than Machine.MinBil
  • Fix: When using the Adjust Prices screen, always include Added Length from the part in unit conversions
  • Fix: Allow scrapping of packed and ready to ship tickets that have been pulled from stock
  • Fix: When filling or reallocating cutback jobs, update workorder with correct number of extruded pieces
  • Fix: Corrective Action Module – Always autofill item number and date when creating new corrective action items
  • Fix: Update billet history correctly when previous data values are null (usage, receipts, and billet saw production)
  • Fix: On the Print Manifests screen, the “Use Customer Reports” checkbox was not always finding the customer-specified manifest report
  • Fix: Eliminate “Argument ‘Expression’ cannot be converted to type ‘DBNull'” error when saving a new die or part if gNoNewPartsWhileOnHold = YES
  • Fix: When moving pieces from one rack to another, correctly handle piece lengths that contain 4 or more decimals
  • Fix: When filling an item from stock or reallocating, close open workorder if the item is filled complete
  • Fix: Do not require user to tab off of price unit before saving changes on quote and order entry screens
  • Fix: Use second “Restrict To” when applying discounts/surcharges to quotes (like order entry)
  • Fix: When applicable, use gAnodizePerimField for calculations in total price section of frmSOEntry and frmPart
  • Fix: (Oracle only) Correct ORA-00936 error on “Clear Racks” tab of Rack screen


  • Hot Fix: Die Correction Module: Save note correctly for completed tasks (inadvertantly removed after


  • Fix: Observe gTestCertsTensileRequired and gTestCertsWhenCertCodeSet settings when emailing test certs


  • Fix: Use gInvoiceWtDecimals when calculating invoice line weight after user manually keys in piece count
  • Fix: Correct behavior of user fields with user-defined lists on production screen
  • Fix: Die Correction Module: When assigning a die defect code with a null (blank) defect die status, do not change the status of the die copy


  • Hot Fix: Die Correction Module: Save note correctly for completed tasks


  • Hot Fix: Prevent error when removing items from a schedule simultaneously
  • Hot Fix: On packing screen, disable “Ship” tab when creating stock tickets for items with a routing that includes outside processing and ends in stock
  • Hot Fix: Allow adding scrap when editing a production posting after the rack-in is marked as empty


  • *[2018 #2] When reallocating pieces from one item to another, add a line to the change log for both items
  • *[2018 #3] Add a “Remaining Pieces” column to the department summary grid in bottom-left corner of production screen
  • *[2018 #5] Allow both Read and Write access to the press schedule and department schedule screens
  • *[2018 #14] Enhance behavior of gOrderDataMustMatchPart to prevent order entry from changing any data values that came from the customer part (e.g. die, length, finish, pricing, etc.)
  • *[2018 #16] Add change log to EPICS Configuration screen
  • *[2017 #4] Add Die Correction Module
  • *[2017 #13] Add filtering and group-by options to the backlog screen
  • *[2017 #16] On item notes screen, allow input of department-specific prod alerts as well
  • *[2017 #17] When creating a new die copy from an existing copy, do not carry over nitriding history or contents of “Purchase History” or “Die Oven Info” tabs
  • *[2017 #19] Set DtPack (Date Packed) of status R (received) tickets to the actual date/time the receipt was posted
  • *[2017 #20] Add “Fill from Stock” button to frmSOItem to search stock for all items in current query
  • Item change log now includes automatic credit hold changes that result from changes to the item’s quantity, length, or pricing
  • Item change log now includes line for racks cleared using the “Clear Rack” tab of the Maintain Production Racks screen
  • Add “Hide Inactive Users” checkbox to the permissions screen
  • Add a warning when scheduling an item for a date that the press, department, or plant is marked as ‘closed’
  • Add SampleCount, SampleWt, SampleLen, and SampleLenUnit columns to ShiftProd table to store extrusion sample info entered by user
  • Check for stock and alert user if stock exists when user manually selects an item on frmPlan or right-clicks on an item and selects “Calculate Workorders”
  • Use gPriceDec to control number of decimals displayed for accessory PO pricing
  • Add gTestCertsWhenCertCodeSet to generate test cert for any item that has a CertCode assigned (should not be used with gTestCertsTensileRequired)
  • Use current StdPcPerHr from customer part specs to calculate hours on backlog screen
  • Fix: When filling a packed bundle from stock with a different part number, do not select the shipping department as the next DeliverTo if other processing is required
  • Fix: Disable die drawing options on right-click menus of workstations where FastLook is not installed
  • Fix: Disable automatic search on “Close Old Cast Numbers” tab of Chemical Composition screen (must click “Refresh” button to search)
  • Fix: [Oracle only] – eliminate error when adding items to schedule
  • Fix: [Oracle only] – eliminate error when copying permissions from one user to another
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception error when attempting to schedule items without specifying a date
  • Fix: Use gInvoiceWtDecimals to allow decimal weights for manually created invoices
  • Fix: Prevent display of kit/assembly component sales orders (900000xxx) on sales order screen
  • Fix: Store weight and length of received accessories in their stock ticket
  • Fix: When copying permissions from one user to another, allow a blank (empty) cell to overwrite a non-empty cell (READ, WRITE, NONE)
  • Fix: Update item packing history correctly when moving a packed ticket to stock
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping – Always erase Ticket.TruckID when removing unscanned tickets from a picklist
  • Fix: Correct copy/paste for user fields. New user list feature was causing pasted value to be retained after typing new value
  • Fix: Eliminate error opening schedule screens when field chooser has been used to add SOItemDept.MachineNum to column list
  • Fix: Clear default value for gDepotRPTFile
  • Fix: Improve accuracy of color-coding on Die Oven Contents displays
  • Fix: message 1291 (use copy now on screen as basis for new copy) – was not recognizing “No” response from user
  • Fix: Improve enforcement of gRequirePartNum and tell user which item has an invalid part
  • Fix: gProdCheckCastNumbers was not always stopping invalid cast numbers
  • Fix: Print New Tickets screen: Allow right-click on scrap code to edit the lookup table


  • Hot Fix: Add support for FastLook V15


  • Hot Fix: Eliminate error when adding stock tickets to a production rack


  • Hot Fix: Eliminate metric length comparison problem on packing screen when gMetricLengthDecimals is set to 1 or higher


  • Hot Fix: (Unicode database only) Eliminate unhandled exception when selecting a sales order on the standard shipping screen


  • *[2014 WL #16] Allow completed kits and assemblies to be added to stock, filled from stock, and reallocated
  • *[WL #24] Add right-click context menu option to the customer part number to open the stock replacement screen for that part
  • *[WL #25] When selecting a press in the “Standard Data” section of the die screen, choose the default container size using the press’s machine record
  • *[WL #26] Add separate, per user production screen permission to enable/disable the “Post” checkboxes
  • *[WL #27] Display rack status flags (hold/scrap) on “Racks” tab of sales order screen
  • *[WL #28] On “Stock Replacement” screen, highlight replacement items that are running late
  • *[WL #31] Add new permission to prevent users from un-checking the “Save to Die Oven History” checkbox on the “Unload Oven” screen if they are not cleared to do so
  • *[WL #32] Add a column to the “Shift Summary” tab of the production screen to display the stop time of each job
  • Add “Lot” column to the “Shift Summary” tab of the production screen
  • Allow addition of reserve dates up to 52 weeks in the future without displaying a warning
  • Set “Manifest” radio button by default when creating a new invoice
  • When creating a manual invoice by Sales Order, allow multiple items from the SO to be easily added to the invoice
  • Fix: Assign Ticket.PartCustNum correctly on tickets created when receiving from outside processor
  • Fix: Allow “Cust Requested Date” (CustReqDt) to be cleared using Edit mode on Sales Order screen
  • Fix: Always assign a default “Deliver To” department when filling items from stock
  • Fix: Force required user list fields to be entered when printing packing tickets
  • Fix: Allow added length on part to be in different units than part length as long as both are imperial or metric
  • Fix: When editing extrusion postings, ignore scrap when calculating whether item and lot is complete
  • Fix: (Oracle only) Eliminate unhandled exception when expanding forms on permissions screen
  • Fix: (Oracle only) Eliminate error when filling packed bundles from stock
  • Fix: (Oracle only) Eliminate error ORA-01843 when adding items to press schedule
  • Fix: Stock Replacement screen: Improve replacement quantity calculations for component parts
  • Fix: For production postings, set RackDetail.Dt to the same value as ShiftProd.StartTime (as it was before V9.6.0)
  • Fix: ProductionDetail rows for good production (PRD) and downtime (DT) should have a blank ChargeTo column


  • Fix: Eliminate SQL error when saving new user field lists
  • Fix: Allow copying/pasting of customer parts when required user fields have been defined
  • Fix: Eliminate errors when loading screen layouts from a file


  • *[WL #1] Validated user fields: Allow creation of user-defined lists of allowable data values to be linked to any user field
  • *[WL #2] Allow selection of any field as a required field
  • *[WL #3] When changing the status of an item to “H” (complete), alert/stop the user if there are active racks or tickets in process for that item (with password override) (gCheckBeforeStatusH, gCheckBeforeStatusHPassword)
  • *[WL #6] When adding to a rack from extrusion, allow simultaneous emptying of existing contents (gAskToClearRack)
  • *[WL #7] When posting press production, make sure that the alloy and alloy type of the specified cast number matches the alloy and alloy type of the selected billet (gProdCheckCastNumber)
  • *[WL #8] Alert the user if there are open corrective action items against a die when entering a new order for that die or when scheduling the die for production
  • *[WL #11] When marking a customer as inactive, selectively allow all of that customer’s dies and/or parts to be made inactive as well
  • *[WL #12] Allow fill from stock screen to match on part number as well as standard attributes
  • *[WL #14] When copying an existing part to create a new part, copy all notes and alerts from the old part to the new part as well
  • *[WL #15] When items are rescheduled, add an entry to the item’s change log. Also record schedule additions and deletions
  • Prevent ready-to-ship bundles from filling an item beyond its shipping tolerance (with password override)
  • Add ReqDt (requested ship date) to information that appears when hovering over items on Chart View of schedule screen
  • When opening Chart View of schedule screen, always use the chart interval that was last selected by the user
  • Add a line to report history when a report is started from a user-defined ribbon button
  • When importing sales orders from CSV file, ignore extra spaces before and after OrdUnit column
  • Add color coding to the EPICS Config screen to highlight settings with non-default value (gShowConfigColors)
  • Add screen search function to EPICS Config to find settings that affect each screen including new Help/Identify Config Settings function
  • Add “Clear Screen States” button to the Manange EPICS Users screen to reset screen sizes and locations for any user to their defaults
  • Add warnings when saving a die with a “Rate (Lb/Hour)” value that that violates gWtPerHrMin/Max setting
  • When racks are manually deleted or cleared, show change in SOChangeLog for all affected items
  • Add config settings for default scrap and butt lengths for new die copies (gDefaultButtLength, gDefaultFrontScrap, gDefaultRearScrap)
  • Prevent cancelled items (status ‘X’) from being filled from stock
  • Save changes and deletions of sales order notes and item notes to SOChangeLog (like V8)
  • When adding a variable charge to a posted item, ask user if they want to add this charge to all other items on the order (like V8)
  • Add DieVolumeWt column to die copy to store total weight of aluminum held by all ports, pockets, and cavities of the die
  • Fix: Eliminate error when editing a ticket with a null DtPack value
  • Fix: Do not round press hours when calculating weight/hour on history tab of die copy screen
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception when clicking checkbox to select all rows on “Shortages” tab
  • Fix: Allow deletion of first notification in list
  • Fix: When changing ordered length on posted item, update pieces and weight of first workorder if it has not yet been printed
  • Fix: Improve handling when posting scrap from outside processor
  • Fix: On Production screen, correctly process input when department is configured differently for good pieces/weight and scrap pieces/weight
  • Fix: Eliminate error when using copy/paste on report maintenance screen
  • Fix: Calendar events unable to delete after changes were made
  • Fix: Calendar recurring events not applying to Sunday


  • Fix: Eliminate Oracle-specific unhandled exception on invoice screen


  • Fix: When printing documents, check gEDI_Enabled to determine whether to add document to EDI queue


  • Fix: When editing old production postings, do not update contents of any racks that have been partially processed downstream


  • * Include manual changes to rack contents on the “Changes” tab of the Sales Orders screen
  • When deleting a user, also delete all user-specific config settings for that user
  • Fix: Correctly calculate PricePerWt for item charges when posting new items
  • Fix: Enforce gEnforceRackInDept on packing screen for customer and outside processor tickets
  • Fix: When copying/pasting to create duplicate reserve, set date and user correctly
  • Fix: Update rack correctly when receiving from outside processor and sending for rework in a rack
  • Fix: Prevent pulling from racks marked as ‘Scrap’, ‘Hold’, or ‘Inactive’ in any production department
  • Fix: Allow adding of links to quote dies
  • Fix: Improve reliability of routine that sets department-specific “complete” checkboxes for cutback jobs ordered by the piece
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception when sending a notification that references a sales order
  • Fix: Stop notification feature from preventing auto-logouts
  • Fix: Save column layout of “User Fields” tab of order entry and quote screens
  • Fix: When creating shortage lots, auto-calculate new lot pieces from new lot weight and vice-versa
  • Fix: Set default packing length correctly for items with a stock routing that includes both outside processing and cutback
  • Fix: Make sure that notes screens for Sales Orders, Quote Dies, Quote Customers, and Suppliers use same permissions as parent screen
  • Fix: When opening rack screen using right-click menu, set permission to “move” button correctly
  • Fix: Eliminate intermittent Crystal error when printing/emailing manifests
  • Fix: Allow repeating calendar events to be added by press
  • Fix: Allow editing of Description field on Rack screen
  • Fix: Prevent adding pulled inventory to a non-existent rack if gVerifyRackID is on


  • User Notifications system
  • Add right-click options to customer part number column on the Receive from Processor screen
  • Add “Install Date” column to the Machine table
  • Improve customization options for EDI export views
  • Fix: On order entry and quote screens, always find orders for the current user unless user clears the user name field
  • Fix: Allow length columns to be locked on order entry and quote screens
  • Fix: Improve backlog calculations for items that have scrap posted downstream
  • Fix: Allow reversing of scrap from an outside processor that performs a cutback operation
  • Fix: Always copy alloy and alloy type from each extrusion posting to the corresponding die history record
  • Fix: On “Shortages” tab, restore functionality of clicking on shipping tolerance to automatically adjust it
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping – Always display status ‘H’ items that have active tickets on the ‘Build Picklists’ tab unless the user has checked the “Hide Status ‘H’ items” checkbox
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping – If gTicketMustMatchPicklist = YES, total weight on screen should include only selected tickets
  • Fix: Treat SOType “T” as a credit only if its type class is set to “CREDIT”
  • Fix: Production screen – Eliminate incorrect warning messages when using F6 to add scrap lines
  • Fix: Prevent work orders data irregularities (e.g. wrong die number) when two users are calculating work orders at the same time
  • Fix: Restore functionality of gProdAskToPrintRackTags
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exceptions when using Advanced Find
  • Fix: On “Total Price” window, use decimals specified by each customer’s currency to display all prices
  • Fix: Eliminate errors when editing ChemComp records after searching by Date Entered
  • Fix: Prevent duplication of shift numbers on schedule screen when dragging/dropping scheduled items
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception when editing routings and adding departments at the same time
  • Fix: Oracle – allow configuration setting search feature to be case-insensitive
  • Fix: Eliminate error when a super-user clicks “Refresh” button on reports screen
  • Fix: Production screen – Prevent user from clicking “+” button to add a scrap or rework line unless they have first selected an item to add to
  • Fix: Enforce gCheckCastNumbers setting on billet receiver screen
  • Fix: Ensure that WorkOrder.LotWt matches SOItemDept.RemainWt for cutback jobs
  • Fix: Allow right-click on quote customer number or quote die number to open corresponding screen
  • Fix: Restore feature on frmShip that highlights data when the CustShip of all selected tickets do not match
  • Fix: Allow selection of lot 1 at production for COM (customer-owned metal) orders even if workorder has not been printed
  • Fix: Improve backlog shortage detection for items ordered by weight
  • Fix: Import Orders screen – Always copy cutting tolerance length units from customer part to imported items
  • Fix: Eliminate order entry error when “Show Alerts” button is clicked for items without a part number
  • Fix: Always capitalize “LOG” on billet screens
  • Fix: Display weight calculations on billet saw production screen when user types in alloy, alloy type, or diameter manually
  • Fix: When changing the GLCode for a price line on order entry or quote screen, always change corresponding price description to match the selected GL Code
  • Fix: Order Entry – Allow use of “Delete” key to erase date fields entered in error
  • Fix: Prevent inactive employees from being selected from list on production screens
  • Fix: Allow editing of Description field on the Rack Maintenance screen
  • Fix: Ensure that “Date” column of RackDetail matches ShiftProd.Dt value (like V8) instead of ShiftProd.StartTime


  • Fix: Hot fix – Metric databases only – Press Schedule screen crash
  • Fix: Hot fix – Support for two character Plant codes re-enabled


  • EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) functionality enabled utilizing an export service and numerous related configuration settings
  • Added Square Feet/Square Meters column to the Press Schedule screen
  • Fix: Improved the calculation of shortages on the ‘Shortages’ tab of the Calculate and Print Workorders screen
  • Fix: Discounts and Surcharges with ‘Item Pc’ as the Selected Total now works with the Quote Module
  • Fix: Eliminated the null ShipTol at Order Entry on the last item of multiple items (only occurred if user did not tab off of last line item)
  • Fix: Corrected issue with material pulled from stock not calculating weight correctly based on the gPackWtDecimal setting
  • Fix: Re-enabled Ctrl + E, Ctrl + F, and F5 F6 key functionality at Order Entry and Ctrl + E, Ctrl + C at Print New Tickets
  • Fix: Order Items with a Die Copy number 0 will again appear on the Press Schedule screen


  • Fix: Hot fix – Oracle only – corrected issue occurring when receiving partial quantities from the Outside Processor


  • Allow tickets to be scanned when the ticket numbers contain leading zeros
  • Enable right clicking on Die Numbers from the Maintain Production Racks screen
  • Added option to disable ‘reprint the acknowledgment’ dialogue when making SOItem price changes – gPromptOnPriceChange
  • Added option to always automatically generate the BOL on Standard and Enhanced Shipping if BOL is not already specified – gAutoFillBOL
  • Fix: Prevent die copies from dropping off of the Die Oven Schedule when re-scheduling items on the Press Schedule
  • Fix: Right-click to copy and paste restored (Oracle)
  • Fix: Improve loading of customer records when scrolling Sales History tab (Oracle)
  • Fix: Re-enable right clicking on Production Number and Ticket Number on the Production Detail Tab of the Sales Order screen


  • Fix: Correct problem with Kit and Assembly departments on Downstream Department Schedule
  • Fix: Restore right-click paste functionality on all text fields


  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception when clicking “Print” buttons on Enhanced Shipping and Interplant Transfer screens


  • *[WL #1] Prevent overlap of start/stop times (gPreventProdTimeOverlap)
  • *[WL# 3] Use customer’s custom document (from “E-mail Documents” tab) when printing, emailing, or previewing acknowledgements, manifests, and invoices
  • *[WL #4] Warn if a customer is on hold at Order Entry
  • *[WL #11] Undo receiving of scrap from an Outside Processor
  • *[WL #13] Require tensile tests based on cert code selection
  • *[WL #14] Add Alloy Type to die history
  • *[WL #25] Add SpecCode and Routing attributes to Notes and Alerts
  • *[WL #26] Automate re-acknowledgement to customer after making pricing changes
  • *[WL #34] Prevent order entry from posting a single item above a configurable weight limit (uses gSOItemWtLimit and gSOItemWtPassword)
  • Create button on Part screen linking to Prod Specs
  • Choose to verify accuracy of alloy/type for cast numbers being received or just cast number (uses gCheckCastNumbers)
  • Enable scanner input for secondary scans once racks have been depleted
  • Add DieCopy table to field chooser on Press Schedule
  • Add checkbox on Die Copy screen to see active dies only
  • Allow grouping by Outside Processor on Standard Shipping screen (gGroupShipmentsByProcessor)
  • Set default rack number for scrap (gDefaultScrapRack)
  • Added context menus to SOEntryImport for CustBill, CustShip, DieNum and Part
  • Prevent Order Entry from changing Part information during entry (gOrderDataMustMatchPart)
  • Add Die and SOItemStatus to Rack
  • Automatically update ‘times nitrided’ field on Die Copy screen from 0 to 1 when setting the date.
  • When posting rework at packing, allow pieces to come from multiple racks
  • Add gRestrictRacksByPlant, which forces printing packing tickets only for racks at the current plant
  • Prompt user to print the stock ticket after creating or editing a ticket using the Stock Inventory screen
  • Add Die Copy number to Corrective Action screen
  • Add WRITE permission setting to frmRack required to perform ‘Mark Rack as Empty’
  • Eliminate several date warnings when selecting dates beyond one week
  • Improve the ability to post one 12-hour job in a shift
  • Enable option to hide Group Tree on Workorder
  • gSOItemMultiChangePassword allows restriction of changes made to all items on an order
  • Include drawing file links when copying customer parts to create new ones
  • Allow Cavity Codes to be refreshed on Customer records when added to the Dies
  • Allow column sorting of linked documents
  • Fix: Close Order Entry Notes by hitting enter
  • Fix: Enable “Reload List” and “Edit Lookup Table” right-click options when using language other than English
  • Fix: Apply discounts and surcharges correctly for kit and assembly parts
  • Fix: Display all applicable production alerts when posting production by rack
  • Fix: When creating a sales order from a quote, set QuoteNum and QuoteLineNum on each new item
  • Fix: Eliminate “Rack is in the XXXXX department” error when editing old production postings


  • Oracle users only – sped up loading reports through Crystal viewer


  • *On Plant Hold screen, allow selection of multiple dies to be placed on hold as comma-separated list
  • *Add separate permission for the Mass-Selection section of the Delete Sales Order screen (frmSODelete)
  • *Add gRequirePartNum to require that a part number be selected for every new sales order item
  • *When changing planned date for any department, allow dates for other departments to be automatically recalculated based on changed date (if gBottleneckEnabled = ‘YES’)
  • *If customer is on order entry hold, do not allow creation of dies and parts (if gNoNewPartsWhileOnHold is set to YES)
  • *When receiving from an outside processor, automatically create stock tickets if the next step in the routing is a ‘Put In Stock’ department (if gCreateStockWhenReceiving = ‘YES’)
  • Enable barcode scanning of ticket numbers on Pull Inventory Tickets screen
  • When pulling inventory pieces into a rack, allow immediate printing of the rack tag for the specified Rack ID
  • Allow production posting by SO/Item/Lot when gRequireRackForProduction is set to ‘YES’ and prompt the user to select a Rack ID if multiple racks are available
  • When adding a rack to production, gAddAllPiecesFromRack determines whether production pieces defaults to pieces in rack (YES) or zero (NO)
  • On Production screen, allow Enter key to edit the most recently added or currently selected row for good pieces, billets, down time, etc.
  • Add Die Number, Finish Code, and Sq_Feet (or Sq_Meters) to the ‘Move Items to a Different Rack’ screen
  • Add gInvoiceNextNumUsesOfficeCode to determine whether routine that assigns the next invoice number looks for INVOICE-[OfficeCode]
  • Allow Production Specs screen to be resized
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception when checking “Combine” checkbox for order entry or quote prices
  • Fix: When removing an individual ticket from a pickist, do not remove the entire order unless it was the last ticket for that order
  • Fix: Correct row sizing problems with note display screens
  • Fix: When adding the first die copy with a new die, allow full editing of Tool data
  • Fix: Include component items of kit and assembly jobs on Stock Replacement screen
  • Fix: Prevent item status from being cleared on Sales Order screen
  • Fix: Allow stages to be deleted from Quote Types
  • Fix: When creating a misc invoice, always grab Currency, ShipVia, PayTerms, ShipTerms, and StdCustShip whenever Bill-To customer is changed
  • Fix: Interplant transfer correctly changes the plant of any tickets contained in the racks
  • Fix: Include quote dies assigned to a customer in the dropdown die list when creating a new quote
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping: Eliminate duplicate rows in SOItemHist when posting shipments to outside processor if items on the same order have different ship-to destinations
  • Fix: Improve right-click menu performance for dropdown lists
  • Fix: When searching for stock on Fill from Stock screen, treat all finish codes with type ‘M’ or ‘MILL’ as mill finish
  • Fix: Always allow users with “Can open all reports” checkbox set to open all reports


  • [Wish list #2] Add “Clear Racks” tab to Maintain Production Racks screen to easily clear out old rack records
  • [Wish list #7] “Select All” checkbox on schedule screen no longer selects items that are hidden via use of column filters
  • [Wish list #8] Add available stock columns to the Press Schedule screen
  • [Wish list #9] Add Backer and Bolster columns to the die oven schedule screen
  • [Wish list #12] On the Credit Release and Plant Release screen, highlight items that are behind schedule
  • [Wish list #18] Show planned billet quantity in “Planning Info” section of sales order screen
  • Allow Production Specs screen to be resized or maximized
  • Add Search feature to the Reports screen
  • Add “Refresh Cast Number List” button to billet receiver screen and prevent lockup when another screen is opened while selecting a cast number
  • Fix: Do not display scrap racks on available racks grids
  • Fix: Eliminate error when choosing “Edit Lookup Table” after right clicking a Text Styles combo box
  • Fix: Allow “Clear fields from last search” button on Discounts screen to clear the second restriction box
  • Fix: Production screen: Check billet ‘Post’ checkbox consistently if user selects a department before or after they click ‘New’
  • Fix: Oracle database specific: Eliminate error when loading invoice screen
  • Fix: Oracle database specific: Correct error scanning tickets on enhanced shipping screen
  • Fix: Oracle database specific: Improve load time of press schedule screen
  • Fix: Eliminate error when searching by date in Rack Contents grid of the Maintain Production Racks screen
  • Fix: Do not require rack-in for RECEIVE COM departments if gRequireRackForProduction is turned on
  • Fix: Improve rendering of embedded images when viewing reports – requires Crystal reports runtime 13.0.17 or higher
  • Fix: Correct problems with drawing viewer context menus when using language translation
  • Fix: Eliminate error on die nitride schedule screen if gScrappedDieStatus is empty
  • Fix: When adding a new rack, assign next RackID before adding items to rack
  • Fix: Show only exact matches when right-clicking on die, customer, or part number to view corrective action history
  • Fix: Correct quantity calculation when replacing a lot with a new one (match V8 behavior)
  • Fix: Apply correct language translation to User Fields tabs
  • Fix: When editing prices at order entry and for quotes, do not reset ConvertTo unit unless price unit is changed
  • Fix: When receiving from outside processor, round new calculated weights using gPackWtDecimals
  • Fix: Prevent shipping a master ticket if any item on that master ticket is on hold


  • *gRequireRackForProduction requires the selection of a source and destination rack ID when entering production, packing, or pulling from stock
  • *Prevent a department from posting more pieces than the previous department has posted (using gRequireRackForProduction)
  • *Allow color coding and font selection for notes and alerts using Text Styles
  • *Add second “Restrict To” option for discounts and surcharge (e.g. restrict by Alloy and Die Type)
  • *Allow specified users to be automatically logged out due to inactivity (uses gInactivityLogoutEnabled and gInactivityLogoutInterval)
  • Add “Billet Oven” tab to extrusion production screen – activate by setting “Use Billet Queue” checkbox for each press
  • Add “Save to File” button to the “Apply Changes” tab of Adjust Prices screens
  • Add “Base Language” field to Language lookup table
  • When assigning new invoice numbers, look first for NextNum document for INVOICE-[OfficeCode], then INVOICE-[Plant], then INVOICE (like V8)
  • When reallocating, use current RackID as the default rack out
  • Allow only bill-to customers to be used when creating parts, customer groups, and stock inventory records
  • Add “Email Active Window” button to Help ribbon
  • Add right-click “Refresh” option to list builder control on Customer Groups and other screens
  • Lengthen Die.Alias field from 7 to 12 characters
  • Fix: Exclude expired alerts when looking for copy-specific extrusion alerts
  • Fix: Screen Layout Designer – Eliminate error when saving and loading user field labels that include commas
  • Fix: (Oracle) Correct problem reading report permissions for mixed-case report file names
  • Fix: Show dropdown list of ship-to customers on order entry screen when more than 5000 active customers are in table
  • Fix: Re-establish separate permissions for frmAdjustPrices, frmAdjustPartPrices, and frmAdjustQuotePrices
  • Fix: Disable/Enable ribbon buttons based on permissions for each form
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping – correct unhandled exception when any ticket that is part of a master ticket is on hold
  • Fix: After voiding a ticket, automatically remove it from any racks
  • Fix: Improve appearance and behavior of “Close Old Cast Numbers” tab of Chemical Composition screen
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception if oven load time for die copy has been manually erased by a user
  • Fix: When gMaintenanceLockout is enabled, prevent attempted logins from blocking stored procedure calls
  • Fix: When voiding a packing ticket, do not set scheduled hours to zero for the original shift
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception when using Maintain Manifests screen to find manifests by invoice number
  • Fix: When creating a new customer from a quote customer, include all contacts
  • Fix: If gCheckDiscounts is set to AUTO, do not post any new sales order items where discounts and surcharges failed to apply
  • Fix: Set Ticket.DateDue for tickets pulled from stock to the item’s due date
  • Fix: Display correct used weight and received weight on the “Close Old Cast Numbers” tab of the Chemical Composition screen
  • Fix: Eliminate error on Maintain Racks screen when searching for racks by PrevDeptNum
  • Fix: Update remaining work order quantity correctly for items that received pieces via reallocation or fill-from-stock
  • Fix: Use ordered unit to more accurately determine when stock items are complete
  • Fix: Correct pieces ordered in SOItemHist when order is placed in Lb in metric database or in Kg in imperial database
  • Fix: Match Metric and Imperial cut lengths correctly when filling from stock
  • Fix: Correctly handle split permissions for press and saw (READ/WRITE or WRITE/READ)
  • Fix: Eliminate cutback posting error when loading racks that came from stock or overage
  • Fix: On input boxes, allow right-click “Paste” option to append or replace depending on whether text is selected


  • *Add “Save to CSV” button to Adjust Prices screens to allow on-screen data to be saved to a file
  • *Change the cursor to an arrow with question mark when mouse is over a field that has right-click options
  • “Close Old Cast Numbers” tab on Chemical Composition screen provides easy way to identify and mark inactive cast numbers
  • On Press Schedule screen, add “Postings” column to indicate how many production postings have been entered for each lot
  • On Press Schedule screen, highlight lots that have had at least one production posting
  • Add gRequireTensileTestsForQC to require tensile tests when packing any item with a QC department in its routing
  • Add gRequireTensileTests to prevent any lot from being packed until at least one passed tensile test is created for it, regardless of the item’s routing
  • Enlarge labels on many screens to allow more room for language translation
  • Allow language translation of all buttons and tabs on the EPICS ribbon
  • Freeze the “Select” column on grids to make it easier to identify which rows have been selected even when scrolling columns
  • Add scheduled shift to “Scan Range Options” on “Scan” tab of the Calculate and Print Workorders screen
  • gAllowNonRoutingSpecs allows department specs to be added to a part for departments that are not in the specified routing
  • Display columns on Schedule tab of the Post Production screen using the same column order defined on the Schedule screen
  • Add gShowNoPricingWarning to block “There is no pricing set up for FinCode xxxx” warning at order entry
  • Add warning at order entry if selected die number does not match the die specified for the selected part
  • When changing a user field value for all items on a sales order, record those changes in each item’s change log
  • On Invoice screen, display part number for each item on the invoice
  • Allow “Identity Active Window” button to work for all users (not just administrators)
  • Add gDefaultItemPriority to specify default Priority value for new items
  • Add gSubBundleDefaultCopies to specify default number of copies to print for each sub-bundle ticket
  • Add gPreventPackMillEnds to prevent a user from printing packing tickets with a length shorter than the ordered length
  • Add new configuration category “eResponse” for new eResponse settings
  • When changing fields on a sales order item, add Temper to the list of fields that are copied to existing workorders if they are changed
  • Enhanced Shipping: Add the customer request date (CustReqDt) for each item to the “Build Picklists” tab
  • Standard Shipping screen: When loading tickets for a sales order, auto-select any tickets that were assigned to a Truck ID (like V8)
  • Enhanced Finishing: Add “Racking Complete” checkbox to the Shift Summary tab for paint and anodize departments
  • Production screen: Display copy-specific alerts when a copy number is changed for extrusion production
  • Add gWorkorderCheckForStock to prevent stock popup messages when planning workorders
  • Add “Refresh” button to “Shift Summary” tab of Post Production screen
  • Fix: Keep thumbnail viewer in sync as die changes on Calculate and Print Workorders screen and Print New Tickets screen
  • Fix: Prevent SONum from being changed on unposted invoices
  • Fix: When applying reserves, ignore ‘PULL FROM STOCK’ departments when searching for item’s first production date
  • Fix: Eliminate error when user clicks on the “Notes” button on Cust, Die, DieCopy and Part screens if the user has no permission to frmAttributeNote
  • Fix: Support normal customer number lookup on Plant Hold screen
  • Fix: Correct net weight totals on “Pending Shipments” tab of Standard Shipping screen
  • Fix: Eliminate Oracle errors when removing selected workorders from the print list or un-doing changes to grid rows
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping – Allow individual tickets to be added to a picklist even if sales order is already present
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception on control panel when user clicks on scroll bar when query result has only one record
  • Fix: Allow multi-character search for Bill-To and Ship-To customer number on Create Orders for Stock Replacement screen
  • Fix: Allow undo on fill-from-stock for kit components


  • *Allow individual packed tickets to be moved directly to stock from the Maintain Tickets screen
  • Department Schedule – Add columns for Sq.Feet (or Sq.Meters) ready to process and remaining to process
  • Fix: Calculate and Print Workorders – Correct problem loading die copy data to new workorder when copy number is changed manually
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping – Correct unhandled exception when scanning yellow-highlighted tickets that were not part of original picklist
  • Fix: Adjust Pricing Module Prices – Correct error when adding more than one variable to query builder


  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception error when opening ‘Adjust Pricing Module Prices’ screen
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception error on Screen Layout Designer screen


  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception on Enhanced Shipping screen


  • Improve remaining piece calculations when scrapping pieces on items ordered by the foot or piece
  • Allow an item’s ordered date (RunDt for ORDER department) to be changed
  • Allow Production prompt to print rack tags to be disabled (gProdAskToPrintRackTags)
  • Display running weight totals as tickets are selected on standard shipping screen
  • Fix: Prevent reprinting of status ‘X’ tickets
  • Fix: Correct screen labels on ‘E-mail Documents’ tab of Maintain Customers screen
  • Fix: Allow ‘Fill Entire Sales Order’ routine to fill paint or anodize jobs from mill stock
  • Fix: Allow CSV Import screen to be closed without having to first select a table from the list
  • Fix: Eliminate error when right-clicking on customer number to view Customer Internal Notes
  • Fix: Eliminate crash of department schedule screen if user doesn’t also have permission to press schedule
  • Fix: On Production screen, return all postings for the shift when refreshing the query after changing a posting
  • Fix: On Production screen, sort list of machines by machine number (fix needed only for Oracle db)
  • Fix: Eliminate error loading ‘Show All’ screen if any user fields have NULL description


  • *Add ability to assign separate permissions to each lookup table
  • *Allow searching of production postings by Die, Customer, or Part Number
  • *Allow column sorting on Die Oven Schedule screen
  • *Add ability to duplicate a selected item at Order Entry
  • *Allow deletion of selected items within a Sales Order
  • *Add ability to replace prices with a specific value on the Adjust Prices screens
  • *Add Copy/Paste to right-click menus for all fields
  • *When cancelling a Sales Order, add ability to move the Order’s tickets to Stock Inventory.
  • *Allow mass-update of Quote prices, similar to Adjust Part Prices screen
  • Add support for old Crystal XI-R2 viewer – use when report filename includes “XI”
  • Require “Allow Delete” permission to void Stock Tickets from Maintain Stock screen
  • Sales Order screen – double-click on row of “Departments” tab to view Production Postings for that department
  • Add informative tooltips to explain color-coded fields throughout EPICS
  • Add gProdOverrideLotNumber to allow manual editing of lot numbers on Production screen
  • Show Product Code in Customer Part dropdown at Order Entry
  • Display Alloy on Shift Summary tab of Production screen
  • Display Date Packed for each Inventory Ticket on Stock tab of Maintain Parts screen
  • Add BLNum to Find Manifests tab of Invoice screen
  • On Adjust Prices screens, allow user to click and drag over a group of checkboxes to check or uncheck all of them at once
  • When receiving billet from a PO, do not allow the Alloy, Alloy Type, Diameter, or Length to be changed
  • Add “Save Data To File” button to Lookup Tables screen (duplicates right-click option)
  • When planning Workorders, show only Die Copies that are assigned to the currently selected Plant
  • Display Oven Note on tooltip of Die and Copy column of Oven Contents tab on Die Oven Schedule screen
  • Display running total weight as tickets are scanned on Enhanced Shipping screen
  • Add search function to EPICS Configuration screen
  • Fix: Correct problem updating field names for User Note fields on Screen Layout Designer
  • Fix: When building a Master Workorder, allow items of the same length to be combined even if the lengths are different formats
  • Fix: Use selected duplex settings when sending Workorders directly to printer
  • Fix: Correct total weight calculation on Order Inquiry screen
  • Fix: Allow editing of User Field layout on Print New Tickets screen
  • Fix: Include “Added Length” from Part when displaying Total Price information on Order Entry and Quote screens
  • Fix: Allow adding reports to Ribbon on Oracle database
  • Fix: Eliminate Null Reference Exception when Discounts & Surcharges is pressed before length is selected at Order Entry
  • Fix: Do not allow a Ticket to be voided if it is locked for editing by another user
  • Fix: Enable auto-refresh for reports
  • Fix: Capture correct lot number at Production when user replaces one item with another on production posting
  • Fix: Allow normal right-click options on Press Schedule tab of Production screen
  • Fix: Correct problem when renaming unused fields on Screen Layout Designer


  • Add “Fill Entire Sales Order” option to Fill from Stock screen
  • Allow work orders to be sent to the printer one-at-a-time to minimize Crystal memory usage for embedded image files
  • Fix: Disable browse button on Report Maintenance screen when in Find mode
  • Fix: Improve performance of order entry and quote screens when there are a large number (5,000+) of standard dies
  • Fix: Correctly print selected number of copies of any document when printer selection is enabled for that document
  • Fix: Update Departments tab correctly when multiple identical piece counts are posted on same date and shift


  • *(#3) Add ability to Void a stock ticket rather than delete it (set Ticket status to ‘X’)
  • *(#5) Double the number of user fields for all tables that include them (increase from 65 to 130 user fields per table)
  • *(#6) Prevent voiding, scrapping, or un-shipping of tickets that have been shipped or placed on a picklist (with password override)
  • *(#8) Add a change log for tensile test records
  • *(#12) Add user fields to Invoice, Manifest, and ChemComp tables (130 user fields each)
  • *(#27) Add user fields to Billet table
  • *(#29) Enlarge fields that store drawing file locations from 30 to 512 character maximum
  • *(#30) Add change log for customer groups
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping – Scan for shipment all tickets that are part of a master ticket when any one of them is scanned
  • Fix: If it is in the item’s routing, update pack to outside departments correctly when packing multiple identical tickets on same date
  • Fix: Reports menu: Maintain window state and keep form in front when you click the “Veiw Report Details” button
  • Fix: Correct problem with column locking and price locking on SOEntry and Quote screens
  • Fix: Improve calculation of PricePerWt for per/item charges on order entry and quote screens
  • Fix: Eliminate Crystal memory leak when printer selection is turned on
  • Fix: Do not increase remaining weight for PULLED department when shipping tickets that were pulled as ready-to-ship
  • Fix: Correct rounding of total billet weight on production screen when billet weight/length includes more than 3 decimal places


  • Fix: Prevent endless loop of messages when EPICS closes after a user’s session has been killed
  • Fix: On invoice screen, re-calculate revenue for all invoice lines when currency exchange rate is changed in invoice header
  • Fix: Correct calculation of remaining quantity to ship or invoice when item has been filled from ready-to-ship stock


  • Fix: Eliminate error when adding new customer records
  • Fix: Eliminate error when adding master work orders to press schedule on Oracle database


  • Fix: Eliminate error when using reallocate on packing screen with V9.1.23


  • *Allow individual packed tickets to be placed on hold. Add “Hold” checkbox to Maintain Tickets screen. Prevent tickets on hold from being shipped
  • *When closing EPICS, prompt user to confirm that they want to close (configurable using gEpicsClosingPrompt)
  • *Display each item’s hold status on the Order Inquiry screen
  • Use tooltips on several screens to display more information about plant holds or ticket holds
  • Require WRITE permission to Maintain Tickets screen to use the “Undo Options” menu
  • Further improve date assignments for production start and stop times – even if the department does not have a defined shift configuration
  • Further improve calculation of remaining pieces and remaining weight for pull-from-stock and cutback jobs
  • Improve calculation of remaining billets on press schedule
  • Allow Ctrl-L lookups for customer number field on the Customers screen
  • Display part number and customer name in form heading of Customer Part Numbers screen (like V8)
  • Allow Active Sessions screen to be resized to display more rows on screen
  • On Fill-from-Stock screen, display the plant code of each item in stock if stock is stored at more than one plant
  • When selecting lines to include on an offsetting credit, display the part number for each line
  • Enhanced Finishing: Display total square feet (or M) with the load info on the production screen (like V8)
  • Fix: If a plant code is selected when packing to stock, always store the selected plant code with the stock ticket
  • Fix: Eliminate divide by zero errors on backlog screen
  • Fix: Allow selection of last scheduled item on production screen
  • Fix: Do not skip copy number 100 when automatically assigning a copy number to a new die copy
  • Fix: Remove SOItemHist row for voided packing tickets if gDeleteEmptyHistory is turned on
  • Fix: Eliminate error when dragging empty shifts on the schedule screen
  • Fix: Prevent lower-case ordered units (‘p’ instead of ‘P’) from being saved on sales orders and quotes
  • Fix: Prevent items that are locked by other users from being deleted or cancelled
  • Fix: On permissions screen, eliminate error when right-clicking on a screen name and then closing the dialog box without making a selection


  • *Add gNitrideUseBilletOrSawWt to allow nitriding requirements to be based on either billet weight or saw weight (default is saw weight)
  • When adding to stock or filling from stock, consider both ‘MILL’ and ‘M’ finish types to be mill finish
  • Immediately update PACK department on sales order item when pulling ready-to-ship tickets from stock (like V8)
  • Enhanced Finishing: Allow department-specific finishing load numbers using NextNum document that matches the department name (like V8)
  • Fix: When gDeleteEmptyHistory is YES, delete row even if small fractional weight or length remains in MachineHist
  • Fix: Eliminate error when adding packing tickets to a rack
  • Fix: Eliminate error when closing EPICS while a report is displayed
  • EPICS Link Fix: Allow VoidTicket() function to void filled and pulled tickets


  • When editing rack content, allow selection of rework departments from “Next Dept” list even if rework dept does not appear in the item’s routing
  • Improve accuracy of total extended price display on order entry screen
  • Do not allow master workorders to be split up when dragging items around on press schedule
  • Add SO, Item, and Die number to the message that appears when checking for stock before calculating workorders
  • Add customer name to heading of page when printing from sales order inquiry screen
  • Fix: Improve calculation of date component of start and stop time for production postings using department shift configuration
  • Fix: When posting downstream production from racks, auto-split lots as necessary
  • Fix: Correct rounding of total feet or meters when editing and reloading prices at time of invoicing
  • Fix: Eliminate error when trying to email a report that has no subreports defined
  • Fix: Eliminate memory leak when printing a ticket or other report with printer selection turned on
  • Fix: On Sales Orders screen, eliminate error when deleting a price line with a price of 0
  • Fix: If gDefaultStockNumber is YES, grab last stock number used when adding same product to stock (like V8)
  • Fix: Correct calculation for platen saw position on workorder
  • Fix: Allow %SONum to be used in email text when sending invoices (like V8)
  • Fix: Correct problem filling from stock when packed stock and unpacked stock have the same stock number
  • EPICS Link – Fix problems with Fill from stock and Pull stock ticket functions


  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception error when selecting “View Workorders” after right-clicking on a sales order item
  • On the “Pull Inventory Tickets” screen, allow user to re-arrange columns in the ticket grid and restore the same layout the next time the screen is opened
  • Fix: Eliminate error when right-clicking on the “Scrapped Die Code” field on the “Die Copies” screen


  • *When deleting a manifest, do not display a message for every ticket removed from the shipment
  • *On Pack/Ship/Invoice tab of Sales Order screen, show original order info of tickets pulled from stock
  • Add “AUTO” setting to gCheckDiscounts to allow discounts and surcharges to be applied automatically before posting new sales orders
  • Add gRequireCastNumber setting to require that all billet postings include a cast number
  • If gCheckCastNumbers is turned on, alert user to bad cast numbers on billet input dialog of production screen
  • Add functions to EPICS Link to scan/unscan tickets from truck (for Enhanced Shipping custom apps)
  • EPICS Mobile shipping screen – Update all tickets for a master number when any one of them is scanned even if they are for multiple sales orders
  • On Sales Orders screen, allow ActWt to be changed for items that use Dies CUSTOMER, SCRAP, or ACCESSORY
  • Restore Order Entry/gEnforceDieOwnership configuration setting from V8. If set to “NO”, warn user about incorrect die ownership but allow order to be entered anyway
  • Fix: Repair memory leak on “Work Order” tab of production screen
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception on Lookup Tables screen if user right-clicks in gray area of screen while in edit mode
  • Fix: When editing and reloading item prices on the invoice screen, use gInvoiceRoundConvertedUnits to determine whether to round total length
  • Fix: Prevent inactive standard dies from being used at order entry
  • Fix: Prevent production screen from changing positions when user enters a password to edit old postings
  • Fix: When posting anodizing, always default Hollow Compensation value to 1
  • Fix: Prevent unhandled exception errors when closing press schedule screen
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping – Always get TruckID for first picklist selection
  • Fix: Eliminate errors posting orders for kits or assembled parts if one or more accessory components does not have an assigned part length
  • Fix: Display correct billet count for multi-billet jobs on press schedule tab of production screen
  • Fix: Allow right-click “Reload List” function on drop-down lists to work even if the user has already typed something in the control
  • Fix: Eliminate Oracle errors when opening department schedule screen


  • Fix: Prevent Crystal Reports viewer from locking up while displaying acknowledgements, manifests, and invoices
  • Fix: Eliminate memory leaks in Crystal viewer when printing packing tickets, rack tags, and other documents


  • Allow users to right-click on the Rack ID to print a partial rack tag. May be used on any grid row that displays both a Rack ID and an SO/Item number (like V8)
  • Fix: Prevent errors if user fields have been assigned a custom default value at the database level
  • Fix: Prevent report files from being locked when a user views the detailed properties for the report
  • Fix: Mobile Physical Inventory screens: Prevent crashes when selecting either a status that has no tickets or a location that has no racks


  • Mobile Shipping screen: Display list of open pick lists when user clicks anywhere on the pick list field (not just on the down-arrow)
  • Fix: Eliminate error when editing or deleting status ‘A’ invoices that were created using V9.1.15
  • Fix: Eliminate error when editing or deleting new sales orders that were created by the ‘Duplicate Sales Order’ screen of V9.1.15


  • * In addition to the choice of extrusion date or ship date, allow order entry to input the plan date for a selected bottleneck department and calculate the other dates from that department (uses new Order Entry configuration settings)
  • *Tighten margins and move Refresh button to allow more room for items on the press and department schedule screens
  • Allow configurable magnification of EPICS Mobile screens to better support mobile scanners with high-res screens (User Interface/gMobileMagnification)
  • Display currently selected plant in the EPICS title bar (like V8)
  • On Order Entry and Quote screen, display each item’s calculated shipping tolerance as soon as you move to the next item (like V8)
  • Fix: Allow copy/paste to work with Routing and Department Group screens
  • Fix: At packing, when rack tracking is not used and a routing includes multiple processors, always ask user about each processor in order of routing sequence
  • Fix: Standard shipping screen: Prevent user from clearing or typing over the selected sales order number after tickets have been selected
  • Fix: Do not lock thumbnail files when viewing them with thumbnail viewer
  • Fix: Order Inquiry screen – Remain on currently displayed tab when a different sales order is selected
  • Fix: Eliminate error when voiding an outside processor ticket if the item’s routing doesn’t include a pack to outside department
  • Fix: Order Entry Import – Prevent lower case ordered units from being imported from a CSV file
  • Fix: CSV Import screen – Do not return an error if a required database column is missing from the import – provided that the required column has a default value
  • Fix: Do not carry over a previously selected Alloy when adding a new item to a sales order unless the Alloy column is locked
  • Fix: When adding or changing a TO_XXXX or FM_XXXX department, make sure that customer XXXXX exists first
  • Fix: Reports menu: Prevent lockups if user double-clicks on buttons or tries to run more than one report at a time
  • Fix: When adding a new die copy, add cost of the copy to the total cost of the die only if user answers ‘Yes’ to question
  • Fix: Order Entry: On the ‘Die Unavailable’ warning, add mention of possible missing Standard Data
  • Fix: When splitting a lot, clear the WorkOrderPrintList and WorkOrderCalc rows for the original lot and set its status to ‘A’ (just in case it has previously been printed for the full amount before it was split)


  • Fix: Eliminate constantly increasing memory usage by EPICS program (EPICSV9.EXE)
  • Fix: Improve accuracy of the billet count displayed on the press schedule screen
  • Fix: Enable the “Reset” button on the Optimized Master Work Order creation screen
  • Fix: Prevent minimum shipping tolerance on the customer screen from being blank if maximum is specified (and vice versa)


  • Improve browse functionality for die and part thumbnail files so that thumbnails can be stored in subfolders
  • Routing screen – Display all departments in the routing when the Show All window is opened
  • Backlog screen – Enable standard CTRL-L lookup on customer dropdown list
  • Add config setting Crystal Reports/gReportsMenuSelectPrinter to allow the prompt for printer selection to be on or off when selecting a report from Reports menu (default = no printer selection required)
  • Fix: When selecting a report from the reports menu, prevent the wait (rotating) cursor from staying on screen if the user clicks cancel on the printer selection window
  • Fix: When posting production, prevent items that are on production hold from being pulled from a rack into a production posting
  • Fix: When receiving all pieces back from a processor that performs cutback, prevent small quantity from remaining as a status ‘O’ ticket
  • Fix: When searching registry for FastLook 14 location, look for ‘Path’ key instead of ‘FLLaunch’ to improve reliability
  • Fix: Eliminate erroneous negative PricePerWt values on quote screen
  • Fix: Correct rounding problems with Total Price window on Order Entry screen when working with fractional mm lengths
  • Fix: Stop emailing blank Test Cert for items that have no tensile tests
  • Fix: Allow emailing documents using 64-bit MAPI client if gEmailViaOutlook is turned off
  • Fix: When pulling stock pieces to be cutback, use the item’s piece multiplier to estimate the number of stock pieces needed to complete the item
  • Fix: Eliminate unhandled exception error when closing EPICS
  • Fix: Compare PackCode correctly when searching for attribute notes and production specs


  • Improve printer selection logic for all reports and provide better control of destination printers for forms, tickets, and tags
  • Add config setting “User Interface/gQBERowCountLimit” to limit the number of rows that a user can browse in view mode (default 10000 rows)
  • Production screen – re-display any production alerts for posting when the user clicks ‘Edit’
  • Permissions screen – Include department permissions when copying permissions from one user to another
  • Update obsolete Cust.ContactName field when editing a customer’s first contact row for easier report design
  • Production screen – display the die number and first sales order and item number on all rows of the Shift Summary tab
  • Production screen – Always clear the “Rack Out” field when adding a line for scrap or rework
  • Fix: Print Manifests, Invoices, Acknowledgements – Add mesgbox pop-up between emailing and printing to prevent screen from locking up
  • Fix: Print Manifests, Invoices, Acknowledgements – Always replace “%SONum” in email subject line and email body with sales order number(s)
  • Fix: Sales Orders screen – Eliminate error when editing prices on customer-owned-metal jobs that were not created from a customer part
  • Fix: Sales Orders screen – Prevent user from adding a second ‘Base’ or ‘Finish’ price line to an item (like V8)
  • Fix: Receive Billets – Do not clear cast number before editing detail rows
  • Fix: Prevent error pulling stock into a rack if there are no open workorders for the sales order item being pulled
  • Fix: On permissions screen, enable right-click options for newly added forms (forms with no user permissions)
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping – Eliminate error if user clicks Remove button without first selecting a row on the picklist
  • Fix: On schedule screen display subtotals when screen is first opened
  • Fix: Packing screen – prevent error if selected rack has a NULL value in HoldFlag, ScrapFlag, or InactiveFlag columns


  • Improve labels on print-options dialog when printing sub-bundle tickets
  • On Die Copy screen, display note count on the “Notes” button
  • Re-optimize report export routine to improve manifest printing/emailing
  • Fix: Create Workorders – Include qty pulled from stock when determining items to display on “Shortages” tab
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping – make sure that TruckID is set when adding tickets to newly created picklist
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping – Eliminate automatic refresh of scan grid when changing adding or removing items from picklist
  • Fix: Departments and Machines – Prevent error opening screen when using non-USA date settings
  • Fix: When using the scan tab of the work order screen, duplicate the search for stock functionality from V8
  • Fix: Capture changes to Die Standard Data in the Die change log (like V8)
  • Fix: Ignore “Sub-bundle” setting when packing to stock – always reduce rack contents
  • Fix: Print New Tickets – When using calculated bundle weight, always recalculate GrossWt after entering Tare Wt
  • Fix: Print New Tickets – Prevent error when clicking in the grey area of the scan grid
  • Fix: Print New Tickets – Improve handling of start/stop times that cross midnight
  • Fix: Production screen – Stay on “Paint Consumables” tab when scrolling through records
  • Fix: Production screen – eliminate errors on schedule tab
  • Fix: Always update sales order header status to match items when creating work orders
  • Fix: Prevent user from using mousewheel to change bill-to customer on quote or new order after first line has been added
  • Fix: Quote Module – Correctly display AltPrintWt and AltPerim at bottom of screen when adding quote lines


  • Display a configurable data chart on the “Chart” tab of the “Backlog” and “Departments and Machines” screens
  • When editing customer contact info, always copy data from contact 1 to the obsolete Cust.Phone, .Extension, .AltPhone, .Fax, .Cell1, and .Email columns for backward compatibility with old reports
  • When entering a new sales order or quote, always display the bill-to customer’s standard ship-to number (StdCustShip) at the top of the list of ship-to destinations
  • On Production screen, display each item’s ordered finish in the Good Pieces and Scrap Pieces grid (in addition to the current finish)
  • Make “Price Type” a required field for all prices on orders and quotes
  • Fix: Eliminate error when posting scrap at packing from a rack
  • Fix: When pulling pieces from a rack at packing, always use piece length from rack
  • Fix: Correct control panel button display on production screen (always hide inactive modes)
  • Fix: Improve update of the sales order “Departments” tab to better handle pulling random lengths from stock into a cutback job and when posting a STOCK CUTBACK department
  • Fix: Prevent price type from being cleared when manually invoicing manifests or creating miscellaneous invoices
  • Fix: Display estimated hours on press schedule tab of production screen
  • Fix: Allow up to 5 decimal places for Price/Wt on Billet, Billet PO, and Billet Receiver screens (like V8)
  • Fix: Prevent problems if ordered unit or pricing units are imported as lower case instead of upper case
  • Fix: prevent Delete key from clearing read-only fields
  • Fix: Production Screen – Prevent error if user clicks on Dt field in Find mode without entering a date value
  • Fix: Production Screen – Prevent error if user clicks “+” to add a new lineal line to a cutback posting without first clicking on an existing lineal line
  • Fix: Production Screen – Allow selection of “Next Dept” for rework lines
  • Fix: Screen Layout Designer – Allow user-defined note fields to be resized vertically
  • Fix: Maintain Racks screen – Prevent selection of non-production departments as previous or next department when manually editing rack contents
  • Fix: Corrective Action – Use cutting tolerance from original item when creating replacement item
  • Fix: Quote Module – Copy cutting tolerance when creating parts or items from a quote
  • Fix: When loading a die into an oven and it is already loaded in an oven, require user to remove it first.


  • When adding a note to a quote or new sales order, apply the new note to all items by default
  • Activate “Re-price this Item” button on Quote and Order Entry screens
  • Allow billet receipt to be posted that does not reference a billet PO
  • Production screen: Improve auto-setting of the lot complete and item complete checkboxes, particularly for 1-piece sample orders
  • Improve backlog adjustments when rework is posted
  • Add gNonExtrusionBehavior config setting to specify default base-price behavior when pricing non-extrusion items
  • On production screen, refresh the displayed item’s department list after each production change
  • Fix: Display downstream department schedule correctly on production screen
  • Fix: Correct errors when editing floating point values on maintenance screens (Oracle DB only)
  • Fix: Always use currency rate when calculating price/weight on quotes
  • Fix: Eliminate repeated warnings about discounts/surcharges on Quote screen
  • Fix: On workorder shortage tab, correctly determine shortages for cutback items
  • Fix: When auto-creating tickets from an outside processor receipt, print all tickets created and not just the first ticket
  • Fix: Eliminate error when using packing screen to scrap pieces from an item with a stock routing
  • Fix: When posting scrap or rework, prevent errors if Charge-To department is left blank
  • Fix: Eliminate duplicate temporary license warnings
  • Fix: Remove control characters from email messages sent by the customer activity screen
  • Fix: When billing by square foot or meter, do not round total length invoiced to nearest Ft or M before calculating total square feet or meters
  • Fix: Eliminate RowID error when transferring pieces from one rack to another (Oracle DB only)
  • Fix: Prevent ship-To customer from carrying over when inquiring by die number or part on quote and order entry screens


  • Improve accuracy when displaying complex die drawings with FastLook
  • Improve process for requesting replacement of expired EPICS license
  • When creating a stock ticket for a cutback item that terminates in stock, default to the ordered length instead of the rough cut length
  • If a data conflict is detected when entering “Edit” mode, include the conflicting data column name in the error message header
  • Allow old production postings to be edited even if original user, supervisor or operator are no longer in user or employee table
  • When adding a rework line to a production posting, default the “Next” department to the current department
  • Fix: Using customer’s credit flags, reset a sales order item’s credit hold status if pricing changes are made to the item (like V8)
  • Fix: Update billet history when manual changes are made to quantity on hand (like V8)
  • Fix: Update billet OnHand quantity when a row is deleted from an existing billet receiver
  • Fix: Correct stock inventory lookup when using Oracle database
  • Fix: Do not require PassFlag column to be present in ChemComp import files
  • Fix: Always round metric lengths to number of decimals specified by gMetricLengthDecimals
  • Fix: When manually creating an invoice from a shipping manifest, always save the currency conversion rate with the new invoice


  • Allow mobile scanners to be used for physical inventory via Windows Remote Desktop and EPICS Mobile interface
  • Prevent manifest or sales order from being changed on miscellaneous invoice if old manifest or sales order exists in database
  • On Order Entry and Quote screen, only re-do part, die, and customer lookups if the value has changed – not just when user re-opens the dropdown list
  • Allow shift configuration (default shift start/stop times) to be defined for all production departments
  • Production screen – when a shift crosses midnight, adjust the start and stop times based on department shift configuration
  • Show finish code on the Maintain Tickets screen
  • Fix: Eliminate login prompt when opening reports with dynamic parameters on Oracle database


  • On Physical Inventory Worksheet, allow barcode scanning of packing tickets and racks
  • Improve rack selection dialog on packing ticket screen
  • Add pieces to information that appears at bottom of order entry and quote screen (along with weight, print weight, etc.)
  • Add “Print Quote” button to Quote screen
  • Allow special customers ‘TRIAL’, ‘HOME’, and ‘STOCK’ to order or quote any die
  • Only allow selection of active ticket status codes on physical inventory worksheet
  • Improved license handling – When nearing the limit of available licenses, prevent working users from being logged out as new users log in
  • Fix: Prevent users from viewing production postings for departments for which they have no permission
  • Fix: Display all available user fields correctly when using Oracle database
  • Fix: Eliminate error opening Physical Inventory Manager if all inventory values were null for any date in history
  • Fix: Update DieCopyHist correctly when changing the production date or start time of an extrusion job that crosses midnight
  • Fix: Eliminate error when adding price lines to a quote customer
  • Fix: When printing documents, prevent the “Print” button from being clicked while previous request is being processed (prevents screen lockup)
  • Fix: On lookup table screen, display all entered decimals for currency conversion rate


  • Add “Refresh” button to Schedule tab of production screen
  • Enable “Duplicate this Row” right-click option for Billet PO rows
  • Save each user’s color theme selection for the next time they log in
  • Fix: Copy cutting tolerance units correctly when posting sales order item
  • Fix: Don’t attempt to email test certs if gTestCertsEmailWithManifest is turned off
  • Fix: Eliminate error when changing prices on quote customer
  • Fix: Capture changes made to quotes
  • Fix: Eliminate errors when starting EPICS on a machine with non-standard Windows date format settings
  • Fix: Eliminate incorrect error message when adding items to existing MWO
  • Fix: Prevent repeating error when adding ticket to a rack using the Maintain Racks screen


  • Allow selection of credit reason code when creating an offsetting credit
  • When receiving from outside processor, permit negative piece counts to be scrapped or reworked to counteract erroneous postings
  • Enable descriptive tooltip when hovering mouse over scrap, rework or downtime codes on production screen
  • Include Category column when saving CSV file of scrap, rework or downtime codes from lookup tables screen
  • Enlarge ProductionDetail.Supervisor and Operator from 12 to 20 characters to match Employee table
  • On production screen, allow Available Racks grid columns to be rearranged without affecting ability to select racks
  • Fix: Prevent database deadlock error when posting invoices
  • Fix: Eliminate erroneous warning message related to quote pricing
  • Fix: Correct tab order on paint consumables input form


  • * Allow separate tolerance for shipping and production
  • * Add minimum and maximum pieces per bundle to Customer Part and restrict packing to that amount when printing tickets. Allow password override.
  • * Restrict over-packing for specified customers – Added “Packing Allowance” field to the customer table that overrides the top shipping tolerance at packing
  • Allow discounts and surcharges to be based on the pieces ordered for the item
  • Increase length of Supervisor and Operator on production screen from 12 to 20 chars to match Employee table
  • Allow passwords on configuration screen to be cleared by erasing the current value
  • Prevent user from editing lookup tables unless they have WRITE permission to frmReference
  • On the order and item notes screen, refresh the grid of notes each time that a new note is added (like V8)
  • When creating stock tickets, do not check shipping tolerances or MustPost settings (like V8)
  • Fix: Enhanced Shipping – turn off searching by column on the Pick List grid as it interferes with editing
  • Fix: Correctly update weight of stock ticket when scrapping all or part of stock bundle. Also mark ticket status ‘V’ if entire ticket is scrapped.
  • Fix: Show date and time in Die Oven History for “Load Time” and “Unload Time”
  • Fix: Eliminate repeated error when using an invalid ship-to customer at order entry
  • Fix: On scheduling screen, prevent error if active items are scheduled for the same date on different years
  • Fix: For forms with multiple tabs, show the tooltips for dropdown lists correctly after the selected tab is changed
  • Fix: On production screen, prevent runtime error if start or stop time is left blank
  • Fix: On production screen, correctly fill the dropdown list of paint inventory IDs


  • * At Order Entry, show extended total price per item and for entire sales order
  • * Correctly sort start times of production postings for shifts that cross midnight
  • When adding a new die, automatically copy PrintWt to ActWt as default value (like V8)
  • Suppress workorder planning alerts when posting new sales orders
  • Fix: When adding a new die copy, update Die.TotalCost correctly even if it is currently NULL
  • Fix: Lookup Tables screen – Eliminate need to double-click on each field to edit rows
  • Fix: Update SOItemDept correctly when reallocating from an item more than once
  • Fix: Correctly update SOItemDept for fill-from-stock if more than one ‘PULL FROM STOCK’ department exists
  • Fix: Eliminate error when editing status ‘A’ tickets that were created when receiving from a processor
  • Fix: Eliminate error when creating new Billet PO with no due date


  • Add new utility to display barcode scanner output
  • Assign plant code of ‘ALL’ to new sales order items unless otherwise specified by the die or customer part
  • Add support for Crystal Viewer 13.0.10
  • Require weight of all stock records to be greater than zero
  • Fix: Correctly fill from manually-created stock records even if they were not given a stock location


  • Automatically adjust start time and stop time of production postings when the production date is changed
  • Always copy OfficeCode from a sales order to its invoices – eliminate the default value of “1”
  • Fix: On ‘Receive Billets’ screen, correctly save all detail lines that were created as duplicates of other lines
  • Fix: Correctly subtract scrap and rework pieces when auto-adjusting production posting
  • Fix: Disable column searching on grids (added in V9.0.77) when editing data to prevent having to double-click on each cell to edit


  • * Support scan-in/scan-out functionality on production screen – first scan captures start-time, last scan captures stop-time
  • Improve scrap options and allow rework posting on ‘Receive from Processor’ screen
  • Enable text searches on most grids
  • Add “View Report” button to Report Maintenance screen
  • Fix: Display Ship-To customer number on grid of standard shipping screen
  • Fix: Prevent error when editing status ‘A’ tickets that are automatically created when receiving from outside processor
  • Fix: Make editing text fields easier on maintenance screens by removing trailing spaces
  • Fix: Do not allow inactive customers to be used as ship-to customer at order entry
  • Fix: Prevent error when entering a sales order or quote for a customer that has no available parts
  • Fix: Correct rounding problem with weight/billet when manually editing billets on hand
  • Fix: When receiving from processor, correct rounding problem with lengths that include fractional millimeters


  • * On Schedule screen, show summary of die changes, weight, hours, etc. for a shift – displayed when hovering over the shift number
  • A/R Export: Allow export file name to include time of day. Warn user if existing file is being overwritten
  • On Sales Order screen, allow editing of extrude length and piece multiplier for non-extrusion (pull-from-stock and cut-to-length) jobs only
  • On Routing drop-down list, show sum of DaysNorm and DaysRush for each routing (like V8)
  • When calculating lead times at order entry, Ignore DaysRush and DaysNorm from part specs if they are 0 or null (like V8)
  • Add gTicketAllowZeroCopies configuration setting to allow packing tickets to be posted without printing


  • Add a new screen to simplify moving material from one rack to another
  • Fix: Prevent skipping of invoice numbers when manually invoicing by manifest
  • Fix: If configured, show decimal gross and tare weight for tickets on Orders, Ticket, and Manifest screens


  • * When changes are made to a customer part, show a list of all open orders for that part
  • Fix: Correctly auto-number new item numbers when adding items to a posted sales order with one item
  • Fix: Eliminate errors on credit release screen when customer credit flags are not set
  • Fix: Allow sales order and part pricing adjustments by percentage
  • Fix: Identify Remaining Wt and Remaining Pc columns on Departments tab of Sales Orders screen as read-only


  • *Add gDuplicatePartWarning to Order Entry to warn the user if the same part is entered more than once on the same sales order


  • Add new ‘Accounting’ configuration options to specify file name, field delimiter, and sort order of A/R Export


  • *Enable barcode scan of Sales Order/Item/Lot to start new packing ticket


  • *Enable barcode scan of Rack ID to start new packing ticket
  • *When creating an offsetting credit, allow selection of individual lines from original invoice
  • Fix: Eliminate error when pulling a ready-to-ship bundle from stock and delivering it to shipping department
  • Fix: Prevent error posting press production if the press burden rate is not set


  • *Display die number on top and bottom grid of the ‘Create Orders for Stock Replacement’ screen
  • Enhance Plant Hold, Plant Release, Credit Hold, and Credit Release screens – show more detail for orders being held or released
  • When posting cutback, use the lot number of extruded lineals as the lot number for cut pieces
  • Allow production posting for rework departments from any item, but prevent posting production for non-rework departments that are not in the routing
  • Improve load time for ‘Calculate and Print Workorders’ screen
  • Fix: Assign next number correctly for manually-created credit memos (using “CREDITMEMO” NextNum if defined)
  • Fix: Always set default plant to “ALL” if plant is cleared by user
  • Fix: Provide normal right-click menus for fields on the ‘Pulled Stock Info’ tab of the ‘Maintain Tickets’ screen
  • Fix: Correctly enforce required user fields on all maintenance screens
  • Fix: Eliminate error when scrapping directly from rack at packing


  • Improve behavior and consistency of the sales order item selection pop-up screen (used by all production screens)
  • Allow piece count received from fab processors to exceed the expected pieces (with warning)
  • Fix: Eliminate error when adding items to an existing master workorder
  • Fix: Display packer list correctly when changing the crew selection on packing screen
  • Fix: When editing a packing ticket, correctly propagate changes to history tables
  • Fix: Update SOItemDept.ScrapPc and ScrapWt correctly when using the packing screen to post scrap for stock routings
  • Fix: Update SOItemDept.RemainPc correctly for routings that include both fill-from-stock and cutback
  • Fix: Eliminate errors loading the ribbon if a user has added menu items to the quick-launch toolbar


  • Improve warning messages when breaking a packed stock bundle
  • Improve RemainWt and RemainPc calculation – Change department from incomplete to complete if within shipping tolerance
  • Recalculate RemainWt and RemainPc when item’s shipping tolerance is changed
  • Fix: Improve billet lookup by billet length
  • Fix: Prevent error if die ovens have 0 positions
  • Fix: Eliminate error when opening ScrappedDieReason lookup table
  • Fix: Display error message on enhanced shipping screen if a ticket is scanned for the wrong picklist


  • Warn user if note is added to SO or SOItem without selecting any of the “Print On” checkboxes
  • Prevent new sales order from being posted if it is locked for editing by any user (including current user)
  • Improve RemainWt and RemainPc calculation – Use cutback multiplier when posting scrap or moving pieces to stock
  • Improve RemainWt and RemainPc calculation – Use weight/piece to calculate RemainWt from RemainPc for items not ordered by Kg or Lb
  • Add error handler to detect and report missing database columns
  • Fix: Include User Field data on “Show All” screen


  • Fix finish price warnings on order entry screen
  • Fix errors on sales order item right-click menu


  • Add new file name and output options to A/R Export screen
  • Enable right-click options on original part number on Maintain Stock Inventory screen
  • Support “WARRANT” NextNum document type when entering or importing a new sales order with type class of “CREDIT”
  • Display more information about cutback items when creating or replacing a lot
  • Fix: Eliminate errors with Price/Weight on item charges when ordered weight of item is 0
  • Fix: Allow receipt from outside processor for pieces that do not have a lot number
  • Fix: Correctly set the “Item Complete” checkbox when editing production postings that are slightly below shipping tolerance


  • Fix: Update ticket pieces correctly on routings that include multiple outside processors plus cutback
  • Fix: Correct calculation of remaining pieces and weight for ‘PULL FROM STOCK’ departments


  • Improve calculation of total weight when receiving pieces from an outside processor that performs a cutback operation
  • Disregard obsolete Crystal ODBC driver settings when importing V8 .INI files into V9
  • Fix column headings when exporting lookup tables to a CSV file


  • Support Unicode character encoding (if EPICS database has been modified for Unicode support)
  • Add “Monochrome Vector” button to die drawing viewer to support monochrome display of color drawings
  • Fix: When editing a previously saved invoice, always recalculate totals for miscellaneous invoice lines if quantity is changed
  • Fix: Eliminate ChangeLog error on Maintain Die screen
  • Fix: Correct update of MachineHist.ItemsRun
  • Fix: Duplicate V8 behavior when calculating PricePerWt for per/Item charges


  • Display detailed error if a database connection test fails on the Profile Editor screen


  • Fix: Eliminate ChangeLog error on Maintain Die screen


  • Add gNonstandardRackStatus config setting to permit non-standard rack status codes to be input on Maintain Racks screen
  • Fix: Correctly update SOChangeLog when attempting to change the routing for all items on a sales order
  • Fix: Correct SOChangeLog entries when reallocating at packing
  • Fix: Correctly label Item price changes in SOChangeLog
  • Fix: When replacing a lot, make sure that replacement lot is scheduled for same date and shift as the replaced lot


  • Support tab-by-tab permissions for all screens that include a control panel
  • Correctly update Remain Wt and Remain Pc for items with a non-extrusion pull-from-stock routing
  • Fix customer group dropdown list on Quote Die screen


  • Improve Actual vs Print comparison at packing for very small bundle weights
  • On Reports menu, allow double-clicking only with the mouse left-button
  • Fix bug with New and Edit mode on Quote Customers screen


  • Add a button to order entry screen to allow the user to reload the customer part list on demand (e.g. when parts are added while order entry is underway)
  • Add a “Close Report” button to the report viewer window
  • Adjust the backlog correctly for items receiving a reallocation from another item
  • Redesign “Statistics” window on Production screen
  • Correct a problem with adding items to a previously posted sales order
  • Add “Ignore” option to CSV import screen to allow skipping over duplicates without repeated warnings
  • Correctly auto-detect complete/incomplete items when editing production postings
  • Include changes to customer prices on the “Changes” tab of the Maintain Customers screen
  • Auto-save any changes made to the EPICS Ribbon
  • If a customer part includes an alternate print weight, use this value when auto-calculating bundle weights at packing
  • Improve calculation of optimized master work orders


  • Allow multiple lots for same item in a single production posting


  • Improve display and handling of dates using Windows regional settings
  • Further minimize deadlocks on database queries


  • Initial Release